Anyone interested in prints?

Dec 30, 2010 05:08

So, as part of a project for a friend in our Atlantean Irregulars group, I made a map of part of the game world. It was a rush job, but it turned out so cool I am going to have prints made for everyone in the group. I thought it might be fun to offer prints to youall, though, since it really is an awesome image, and since picking up a little extra cash is never a bad thing.

This is the almost-final version. When it goes to prints, I may alter the banner's shape, as I'm not sure the source I got it from was creative commons licensed for commercial use. I have to look into that. It won't alter in awesomeness, though.


So, this is just to gauge interest.

Assume the prints will be about 11x14, and around $20. Note that's not an exact figure. I can't calculate anything final until I have a shipping quote from the printer. The more people order, the more I can shave off the price.


That's not a commitment to buy or anything, I just need to see if enough people are interested to make it feasible.

art, gaming, cartography, prints

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