The post-Christmas drop is hitting me like a bag of hammers. Jesus.
Had a really good day, though!
This year I made a gift for Sargon with materials provided by
clayshaper and
thatcaptjim and
constant_heart, who get major thanks for making it possible. The present was a slam-dunk, and was appreciated exactly as much as I knew it would be. There will be pictures when I am finished editing them. It's very much an in-joke thing but I think you will be able to appreciate it anyway because it still looks cool.
I also made an awesome map box for friends (I am not sure if they want to be outed on this one?) that, again, there will be pictures of because it is fucking sweet.
The upshot of this is that I am dropping hardcore. I now have nothing else to occupy me, and am too mentally tired still to take on a new project.
It annoys the fuck out of me. I hate deadlines, I really do. But when I don't have something constructive I'm supposed to be doing, I feel like I feel now: limp as a noodle and useless and sad. What the hell?
Anyway. Fuck this depressing shit! I got some really, really fun stuff!
I got a make-your-own slime kit! With magnetic slime! I cannot WAIT to try this out, but it's going to have to wait until after cookie season, when I can reclaim the living room table. FOR SCIENCE!
And I got a black unicorn horn! Cast from a real narwhal horn! The only unicorn horn I'll ever be able to touch, alas.
And . . .
a . . .
Well, a replica. But still. IMAGINE MY DELIGHT! It combines three of my keenest interests into one convenient object: osteology, wolves, and cock!
And oh my Christ, you guys, that thing is ENORMOUS. Like, I can't decide if the fact that these bastards are extinct is a relief or a tragedy.
Given that WYSIWYG with canine penis bones, this is quite impressive. The picture doesn't do it justice at all.
I post this, incidentally, not because it is the most important thing I have to show you, but because taking pics of the other stuff is way more complicated.
I also post it because I think there is a sore underappreciation for prehistoric mammal genitalia. It's not a field it's easy to find information on, you know?
And, let's be honest here, you would think I was losing my edge if I brought it up and DIDN'T make you look. Like, what's wrong with her?
I plan on putting it in this AWESOME old box that
snowcoma found for me God-knows-where. There will be pictures of that, too, because the box is just too wicked cool not to show off.
Right now, I'm off to take the pictures of Sargon's present. AGAIN. Because I had the ISO set wrong on the last batch.