Habitation of the Blessed Boxes

Nov 01, 2010 17:36

Today we celebrate the release of yuki_onna's latest book, Habitation of the Blessed: A Dirge for Prester John, Vol. 1.

And because this is Cat we're talking about, we're celebrating in style.

Just like last time, with the Palimpsest boxes, if you link to The Habitation of the Blessed in your journals, Twitter, or Facebooks any time in the next week, ( Read more... )

art, boxes, pics, links

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ayalanya November 1 2010, 22:59:42 UTC
Oh my god. I want that trunk-style box. Should you decide to make another, similar trunk for no particular purpose, I would love to buy it (er, I just realized I don't actually know if you're taking commissions these days).


naamah_darling November 1 2010, 23:22:40 UTC
I'm not taking commissions, but I'm going to be making more of these in various styles and sizes, I think, since I have the stuff just lying around still. I will be putting those up on Etsy for sure!


fabricdragon November 1 2010, 23:23:39 UTC
link to etsy shop?


naamah_darling November 1 2010, 23:32:51 UTC
Ahaha! Beat me to it! Thank you!


naamah_darling November 1 2010, 23:32:33 UTC
Right here!


No large boxes there right now, but fave the store and keep checking back. Or watch here, because I always update when I've put boxes up.


ayalanya November 1 2010, 23:29:27 UTC
Yay!! I'll be keeping an eye out.


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