Update on the meds situation.

Aug 03, 2010 21:12

Thank you all for the really helpful links! *huge sigh of relief*

Re: getting my stupidly expensive drugs, I now have a tiered Plan whereby if the first thing fails, I have the second thing to try, and so on. It's not a many-tiered plan, and the bottom tier does involve building a giant space laser and holding the moon hostage, which is the bottom tier of most of my plans, frankly, but it is a plan nevertheless.

It seems that I can get my Seroquel through Astra-Zeneca's drug assistance program. We've jumped through the application hoops, everything seems to have gone well, we should have confirmation in the form of meds in a couple of weeks.

Until then, my doctor has given me enough samples to last me up to two months, in addition to the slightly over a week I have stockpiled and the howevermuch I have available to me from another source.

So for the immediate future, I am covered, and hopefully soon I'll be on A-Z's drug program and the space laser won't be necessary. Though I still have lots of ideas about what to carve on the moon.

Just wanted to update you.

Thank you all. You are awesome. And thank you to Sargon who has been dealing with a lot of this on-the-phone crap for me.


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