
May 06, 2009 14:06

I was not previously aware of this, but when you set a photo's permissions level to "private" on Flickr, it permanently changes the link to that picture, and all embedded photos in things like journal posts will then be broken. Changing permissions back to public will not fix this.

I changed a bunch of photos of my art boxes to private a while back, pending the resolution of a separate non-Flickr-related issue, and discovered that all my old art posts had been gutted. I restored the public settings, but the links were still broken. So I spent several hours going back through and re-embedding the photos because I couldn't just leave them like that.

Ergo, if you've only just joined me, you probably weren't able to see any of this.

I thought I might warn you all about that little Flickr problem. I've been with Flickr for two and a half years, and I have never, ever had anything bad to say about them. Not even once. I am certainly not about to walk away from what has, in all other regards, been the perfect photo hosting site for my needs, but I am also not really keen on what happened.

Now, I fully understand why they change the URL when you change a photo to private. That makes total sense. What upsets me is that when I went to do this to almost 300 photos, it did not warn me that doing so would break all my embedded photos forever. That makes me unhappy.

I sent them very polite feedback and got a reply a few hours later saying, basically, "We're sorry that happened, we will forward this to the development team." It was not overly apologetic, but it was prompt, and it said the one thing I wanted it to say: that they are bringing it to the attention of the people who could change it.

I ask that if you use Flickr a lot, like I do, you consider mentioning this issue to them as well, so that they know it's not just me. This could bite anyone in the ass.

I also ask that if you find yourself surfing through my tags, looking at any posts with pictures, and you see a white box with the message "This photo is not currently available," you let me know in comments to that post. I don't think I missed anything, but you never know.

stupidity, art

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