Obligatory Affirmative Noise

Jan 31, 2009 07:01

Not dead, just keeping really weird hours and trying to recuperate. I had a bad couple of weeks there. A medication was disagreeing with me, and rather than go into any detail I will just say that I got that sorted out and I should be okay. It's made my insomnia worse, though. That's about as much fun as you'd expect a transrectal root canal to ( Read more... )


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Comments 16

flewellyn January 31 2009, 14:03:44 UTC
Post some cat pictures!


daez January 31 2009, 16:38:26 UTC
Glad that you're still alive and kicking, at any rate. Insomnia's a bitch, and not in the fun way of leather and lashes, but in the I just pissed on your favorite shoes, took a shat under the bed, and knocked over the trash can kind of way.

At least the med's sorted... hopefully the insomnia will follow? =\


peacockdress January 31 2009, 16:47:27 UTC
All your desk needs is for you to show up for ten minutes each day. Start by just showing up, one day at a time.


melsner January 31 2009, 18:13:17 UTC
I'm trying to remember if you did a post on Underworld: Rise of the Lycans... I still haven't seen the movie.


naamah_darling January 31 2009, 22:34:27 UTC
I haven't seen it either, which I feel bad about, but I really hate the movie theater and haven't felt up to dealing with it. Hopefully . . . this week.


pixxelpuss January 31 2009, 19:56:43 UTC

I still love you. Take care of yourself.


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