Links, Insomnia Edition.

Sep 22, 2008 06:25

Quick links for you to peruse while you're shirking your duties on this fine Monday morning.

The wonderful cherie_priest has a great list of ways to help out with Ike. Texas takes a lot of hack, some of it unfairly, even. These people still need help, so consider seeing if you can lend a hand. As always, I'm going to suggest giving blood and seeing if you can donate anything to the Humane Society down there.

Ninjacat stalks you. Fucking hilarious. I mean, really, really hilarious. Guaranteed pick-me-up. There are versions that require sound. This one does not. Check out the pupils on that cat!

Hyenas. Nature's dickgirls. Best video I've yet seen of the spotted hyena's she-penis. Fantastic narration in this National Geographic video includes the phrase "Two penises are on a collision course!" Hilarity and genitalia!

Donate to Planned Parenthood in Sarah Palin's name. This is such a great idea. The minimum donation is $5. Really, it's a priceless gesture.

Here are some Halloween decorating ideas; let me know if you have more neat link ideas:

missmonstermel is so totally awesome. To wit: make your own werewolf head taxidermy mount! Kick ass. I know what's going above my mantel.

Alien fetus in a jar tutorial. I'm all about it.

Creepy old books tutorial -- very easy.

Witches' kitchen bottles. Also very easy. I've made several of these, and they are WAY fun. Mine go into my cabinet of curiosities, my wunderkammen.

Neat MSN article on wunderkammen-themed places to visit. If you live near one of these, let me know if it's as cool as it sounds, eh?

Barbary lions! Or, rather, their remains. More skull pics. Amazingly beautiful.

How to win a fight against twenty children. Recommended. They do swarm, you know. Just be prepared, that's all I'm sayin'.

Clark Ashton Smith books in beautiful editions. Just in case you didn't know, Clark was arguably the best writer in his genre, and I don't know that anyone's surpassed him. So, go to it.

Swarovski crystal and human skull art. I have no idea how to feel about this. I really don't. I mean, on the one hand, dude, it's bone art. Badass. On the other, it's really rather tacky. I dislike saying that, but . . . when I die, just don't take the Bedazzler after my skull, okay?

Comic book shots of guys getting kicked in the nads. No, really. That's all the site is. I should probably not be as amused by this as I am.

Peacock feather cloak. Just putting that here because it's absolutely gorgeous, and the fact that I have no place to wear such a thing in no way keeps me from wanting one.

And we're ending with something made of awesome: Landmine-sniffing rats! They're damn good at it, better than dogs. And no, they don't get blown to smithereens. They live to work another day. Rats need good publicity. I'm glad to see this.

Anyway. That's all I have, and I'm starting to feel dizzy, so I'd probably better lay down. Feel free to leave cool links in the comments. Especially to Halloweeny stuff. I'm stressed, and thinking about Halloweeny crafts makes me feel happy.

I hope y'all had an awesome weekend, because I . . . I really did, all things considered. And now it's to bed, and then back to work.

randomness, links

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