Nice. Real nice. I'm going to have fucking nightmares about this shit.
So, now doctors can not only refuse to treat you if their conscience itches, the law can now force you, against your will, to submit to an unwanted, invasive, dangerous procedure. Basically, if they don't like what you're doing, they can eviscerate you to get at your baby. Nice going.
In 1999, a woman in Florida attempting to give birth privately in her own home was taken into custody by a sheriff, restrained by force, and delivered to a hospital where, while in labor, she was forced to defend her decision. The hospital sought an emergency court order to force her to undergo a caesarian delivery, and they won. I didn't hear about it until recently, but I have to say, I'm fucking appalled.
The rights of a grown woman making her own decisions about how she wished to perform one of the most vitally important, personal, private acts a human being can perform were cast aside because of "risk" to the child.
Ms. Pemberton had previously delivered a child via c-section, and vaginal birth after a c-section carries with it a small risk of uterine rupture -- a risk that she was aware of and did not consider serious enough to outweigh the risks of another c-section. Evidently, it was too much for the state of Florida, who forced her to undergo a very traumatic and debilitating surgical procedure against her will.
This is not a fluke. This isn't an "Oops, sometimes the justice system is wrong, sorry." This is part of a clearly perceptible pattern, it is a symptom of a disease, a deadly disease that is progressing, and it should no more go ignored than a fever of 104. Something is wrong in this country. Something is wrong when a woman cannot always control when to conceive or whether to abort or how to give birth. Something is wrong when someone with a badge and a gun can take custody of a woman in labor simply because she is giving birth at home. Something is wrong when a court can force an adult woman to go into the hospital and submit to a dangerous, agonizing, very possibly unnecessary procedure without her consent.
This is a sick country, sick at its core.
Right now I am deeply glad that I am childfree and will never have to worry about someone who does not know or trust me second-guessing my educated decisions about how I wish to give birth. If I were to have a child, you can bet your ass I would be miles from any hospital. This sort of thing horrifies and repulses me, and it should horrify and repulse you as well.
I know many of you are parents, and I know that some of you have given birth at home. I know that some of you will choose do so in the future. When that day comes, I hope that you are safe, that you are not bullied or harassed or even questioned. I'm not a parent, and I never will be, but this still sickens me to the bone.
We aren't safe. I hate having to post crap like this, but I have to. I have to show you these things because I want you to see and understand that this . . . this loathing of women and their biological processes, this mistrust of women's basic ability to think and reason and choose wisely, this tendency to weigh the life of a child as more important than a mother's life, is widespread, pervasive, and deadly. If I want to give my life for my child, risk my life for my child, that is my business, and it would perhaps be honorable or noble for me to do so under certain circumstances, but nobody should ever compel me to do so by telling me I must put myself at certain risk to prevent uncertain risk to my child.
We aren't safe. Sometimes I really hate this world.
(Oh, and hey, folks, the comments here are not the place to debate whether home birth or VBAC is a smart idea or not. Don't start any shit. And none of that "You're overreacting!" crap, either.)