Doctors In California Reminded To Do Their Fucking Jobs

Aug 18, 2008 16:15

California Supreme Court to doctors: your conscience can suck it. "It" being antidiscrimination laws.

California's highest court on Monday barred doctors from invoking their religious beliefs as a reason to deny treatment to gays and lesbians, ruling that state law prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination extends to the medical profession.

Justice Joyce Kennard wrote that two Christian fertility doctors who refused to artificially inseminate a lesbian have neither a free speech right nor a religious exemption from the state's law, which "imposes on business establishments certain antidiscrimination obligations."

Predictably, there is bleating about freedom of religion from some brainless asshole:

"The Supreme Court's desire to promote the homosexual lifestyle at the risk of infringing upon the First Amendment right to free exercise of religion is what the public needs to learn about," said Tyler, who leads the nonprofit Advocates for Faith and Freedom in Murrieta, Calif.

Gotta love that misplaced "Freedom" in their title. I do not think it means what you think it means, felchface.

Melissa McEwan at Shakesville makes an excellent point:

Asking for on-the-job exemptions from primary duties based on religious beliefs is nothing less than the "special rights" conservatives are incessantly accusing the LGBTQI community, women, and racial minorities of seeking. Those groups just want baseline equality. Christians who want to use their interpretation of the Bible to rewrite their job descriptions want an inequality that caters to their personal whims. It's no one else's responsibility to indulge your conscience. Particularly in the field of medicine, where lives depend on people who don't hesitate, who put patients' needs before their own desires, such a willful dereliction of duty is contemptible.

It's a small but most excellent victory. Hopefully, rulings like this will pave the way for similar rulings in other states, and will also help to steamroller doctors who attempt to deny women birth control or abortion based on their tender little feelings.

When you pledge to serve as a doctor, you serve, and that is all there is to it. You don't get to pick and choose who you serve. I agree with Melissa on this one. If your religious beliefs make you squeamish about performing essential parts of your job, you are unfit for the position you hold. Period.

For fuck's sake, people, one of the reasons I didn't become a doctor or a vet is because I am opposed to certain things that crop up in school, let alone the things I would encounter in actual medical practice. Therefore, I chose not to go into medicine and embarked upon a path that I don't find ethically problematic. How do you like how that shit works?

Seriously, how hard is it to avoid a profession you know is going to require you to do some pretty basic shit, like touch those nasty fags, or, god forbid, help some stupid, irreponsible slut get a fifteenth abortion?

Fucking morons.

gay, feminism

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