My Christmas Cheer, Let Me Show You It

Jan 29, 2008 23:07

A month late and several dollars short, but hey, a nine-day blackout will do that for you.

Yes, my Christmas cheer is late, but goddammit, you are going to smile when you see it.

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tazendra, fish, kitty pics, christmas, pics, cats, animals

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*unlurks* malruniel11 January 30 2008, 05:42:41 UTC
Tazendra makes a gorgeous guard for those presents! And that peacock tree is so very pretty in spite of it's bit of tackiness. I love peacock feathers. Our neighbor had a couple for a few years when I was little and I so enjoyed wandering through our yard finding the feathers. They made a great show and tell for a 3rd grader.


Re: *unlurks* naamah_darling January 30 2008, 05:45:36 UTC
I think a good tree SHOULD be tacky. It really should. Because it's once a year, and once a year, taste should go out the window in pursuit of WOW.

I would have LOVED to live near peacocks! How cool would that have been?

I'd love to have some someday, but damn, is their screaming LOUD.


Re: *unlurks* whobunkyboo January 30 2008, 06:13:30 UTC
There were a few in a house right next to our school. (The one where I teach) Talk about unsettling sound!


Re: *unlurks* malruniel11 January 30 2008, 06:24:31 UTC
You're quite right, it should be tacky. At least if you're going for a fun tree. If you are wanting something formal, then tacky is not the way to go, but a good fun tree should be tacky. I can't wait to get my own. I have my little mini tree, but I only put mini plastic balls, bows and garland on it.

Their screeches... oh dear God... Peacocks have no sense of timing. 3 AM was their favorite time to start up. I was terrified for the longest time until I figured out what it was, then it just annoyed me. They have them roaming free around the grounds at Cardiff Castle. When I was there almost 2 years ago now, one came up behind me and screamed, I about died. It had been so long since I'd heard that sound. It took me a minute to figure out it was the damned bird!


Re: *unlurks* ms_daisy_cutter January 30 2008, 22:25:24 UTC
I'd love to have some someday, but damn, is their screaming LOUD.

Yeah...if you want to hear screaming through the walls at 6 a.m., that's what redneck neighbors are for.


Re: *unlurks* naamah_darling January 30 2008, 23:23:48 UTC
. . .

That's a new icon.



Re: *unlurks* ms_daisy_cutter January 30 2008, 23:31:40 UTC
You can thank blame champloo4u for it. :D


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