Tiny Little Pictures!

Nov 21, 2007 00:56

I've started about half a dozen entries, and they all just degenerate into me griping about one thing or another, and that isn't how I want to send y'all into your Thanksgiving weekend. Let's just take it as read that I am bored and lonely and just want to rub noses with the intarwebz, but I have nothing much to say. So you get a meme.

This one came by way of copperwise, and the way it is supposed to go is you comment here and I'll pick 7 of your icons, you explain here or in your LJ what they mean to you and why you're using them. But there are, like, a LOT of you guys, and I have only so many hours in the day, so I'm amending that:

If you want to, comment here with your favorite icon, tell me why it's your favorite, and what it means to you. And if you have one, put an icon that's free for the taking up in comments, with credits. The wittier, the better.

A long, long time ago, I saw this video courtesy of topknot. It's completely stupid, but hilarious nevertheless, chiefly for the line "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" And somehow, from that, this icon was born. It's just . . . deeply stupid. I love this one and tend to use it when I'm saying something I am pretending is really cool.

That came from this picture, taken right after Fish adopted us. Yes, that's her real name, although it wasn't meant to be permanent. I figured we'd end up calling her something floofy like Galadriel or Sylverwyllow or some shit, but she's not that kind of cat. At any rate, maryavatar made it for me, and I have used it for most Fish posts since then. And I just belatedly realized I forgot to credit her for it in the comments to the icon, so I have remedied that. Anyway, I love it because it's . . . well . . . it's so damn cute! I love the font, and how it sort of looks like it's sitting on her head. That picture also captures a lot of her personality.

I wish I could remember where this happened (probably lots of places), but I once witnessed a back and forth wankfest between people using pictures of their kids as icons and people using pictures of their pets as icons, and arguing viciously over whether dogs, cats, or babies were cuter. I thought the whole thing was silly. Obviously these people did not have snakes. See, it doesn't matter what you have for a baby, you think it's the cutest thing the world has ever seen and smarter than any other baby, ever. So this, and the other one like it, were my responses to the whole fuss. And yes, those are my snakes. I tend to use this one in sarcasm a lot, and also in response to posts about blatantly horrible parents/offspring/pets.

I wish I knew where the original thread for this one was, too. Y'all know that gays recruit vulnerable kids for their cause and are trying to take over the world, right? Well, speakerwiggin and I got into a discussion of what the gay apocalypse would actually look like, and we decided that it would involve launching bombs that would drop rainbow glitter-covered kittens over large urban areas, spreading the Gay Virus to everyone who came into contact with them. This icon, carefully crafted by Speaker himself, was the result. I treasure it. I use it when snarking homophobes, or when I'm saying something . . . well . . . gay. Or just when I can't decide what other icon to use.

I had those two pictures of Ioan Gruffudd lying around, and wanted to make an icon out of them. I don't remember where the thread happened, but it was speakerwiggin - again - who inspired it by giving me the idea for an outbreak of Tourette's-like swearing. The icon and wording were mine, but the spirit of the thing is his. I adore this icon, and I relish every chance I get to use it. It gives me joy.

I love love love this icon! grrliz of grrliz_icons made me weep with delight when she made these beautiful icons based on a side-splitting list of Scientology recruitment questions. Okay, so the real test is more like this. But I like the first version better. I use this icon for memes sometimes, for stupid questions, and for anything related to suffocation and/or infanticide. Argh! I know, I know. I'm a mean ol' baby-shaker.

Ah. I made that one, actually, with a screencap from The Last Unicorn. I love that movie almost as much as the book. The unicorn's forest is as close a representation to the internal "home" I carry around with me as anything I have ever seen. I tagged it with "road home," and that's how it feels, even though that home is a place that I can never be. That's my saudade/hiraeth/homesickness icon, and I tend to use it when I'm posting about melancholy things, but not sad or depressing things. It's hopeful, but it's not happy. It's sad, but not miserable.

I turn the floor over to you guys. Thrill and amuse me with your favorite icons.

q and a, icons

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