I really need to stop using Roman numerals, because eventually it's going to get ridiculous. But I like the look of them, so . . . they stay until I no longer know how to count with letters.
Reviews of Phantasm, Languor, Venom, Shadow, Darkness, Delirium, Delight, and Bien Loin d'Ici are below.
Follow the cut to reviews. )
It always amazes me to see the literary work you put into an ongoing project for which, as far as I know, you're not being paid one red cent - not by Black Phoenix, anyway, unless you've got some kind of quid pro quo deal with Elizabeth Moriarty and Brian Constantine, which would of course be none of my business…
I do envy you your conspicuous consumption of intellectual resources and free time. Not since high school have I had either in such abundance.
What do you care WHY she does anything she does? It's her life and her LJ.
Oh, and by the way? People can be passionate about things and rave over them without being paid off to do so.
Well, you know, I started to haul off on the other commenter about this, but you may be right: It does sound snippy, and I was actually trying to express rueful admiration. I think I missed.
To whom it may concern: I disavow the unintended tone of my remarks. They went where I wasn't at ALL intending to go, and I oughtn't to have spoken.
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