Yay! I'm free for a few minutes!
Things have been really really busy here, a mixture of good things and annoying things in pretty much equal parts.
Bad was crunching my next-to-littlest toe last Thursday and watching it swell up and turn alarmingly purple, and having to walk three miles on it anyway, because I am a basket case like that. (It's fine now. It wasn't broken; I knew that, and I refused to be slowed down by something as stupid as a stubbed toe.) It still hurts today, but it's not making me limp or anything.
Also bad was coming back from that walk and dropping my glasses, fracturing one lens. Worse is trying to paint with no glasses, or do hours and hours of computer work without them. Tomorrow, I'll have been without them for a week. They need to come back to me soon. I lose valuable geek points for not being all sexy with the glasses.
Good is small birthday-party fun with friends, and making silly presents.
bat_cheva, are you going to post pictures of My Little Manhunter, or shall I do it?
Good is lots of new pending commissions.
Bad is discovering that Michael's is either just really low on the boxes I use to paint on, or they're not going to restock them at all, which means I may be forced to find a different source for raw materials. I have other avenues open to me, but I don't relish the thought of losing my favorite brand of boxes. It'll force me to reevaluate my pricing, for one thing, and that sucks the root. I hate setting prices more than any other part of the process, including mailing the things away and never seeing them again. Also including painting them upside down and having to start over.
Good is working on what you are pretty sure is the coolest thing you've done yet.
Good is also the close-up of Clark unzipping his pants to reveal blue boxers in Season 3's "Slumber." Sargon actually burst out laughing at my reaction, which was apparently both intense and hilarious.
Bad is screwing up on said coolest thing ever because you were tring to claw your way out of the chair and through the TV screen due to an uncontrollable Pavlovian response. (I fixed the damage, it wasn't serious, but I clearly need to install some kind of restraints on the chair for when I watch this show.)
Good is freelancing several hundred dollars' worth of porn, meaning I can actually afford to do things like turn on the lights and take showers when I need them and buy critical things like secondhand Smallville season sets and new underwear.
Bad is having the two things I needed to finish for a deadline today eaten by my word processing program. Bad, bad, very bad is when I finished one again, and my word processing program ate it again. I fixed the program, but I still had to redo all that work. Grr.
Mostly I'm just relieved that things have taken a lighter turn and the megawatt drama-bulb that's been baking my ass for the past year and more seems to be at a lower setting, if not turned off completely. Things are okay, and after months of crap, okay feels really, really good. I'm feeling better, have caught myself being gratuitously weird and funny again, so I know I'll be all right.
I do have a ton of work to do, still, so I'm off to take a stab at it. But I'll be around more in the next few weeks, I promise.