Random Notes. And Cuteness.

Aug 05, 2006 11:46

Finished another box, a needlessly cute Egyptian-themed one featuring a winged baby cobra and several dancing dung beetles. I photographed it yesterday morning, along with the angel box I finished last week, so there should be pictures soon. I'm already 2/3 of the way through roughing out the design for my next project, and once paint hits wood it's all downhill from there -- a week, tops, for this one, even though it's big. I'm very excited about it.

I'm almost at the point where I have enough stock to bother with a website. I'm dreading the entire design process, as I know less than nothing about it. I excel at graphic design, but my coding skills are rudimentary at best, and I don't know a server from a submissive. Thankfully, first things have to come first, which means all I have to do right now is paint and take pictures.

I realize I haven't been posting much, and the truth is that I miss the contact. I really do. But lately I've just felt better only posting if I have something to say. Three or four days in a row of nothing but pictures of my art and BPAL reviews feels self-indulgent even to me, so I've been sort of stretching it out, trying to find things to say or talk about. And I have a lot of things to say and talk about, it's just that a lot of them aren't all that funny, and some of them are pretty personal, and for various reasons I've felt less comfortable posting intensely personal stuff here.

That said, because I'm a horrible, hypocritical bitch who can furthermore do whatever she wants because you lot are a captive audience, I now force you to look at a picture of the Fish curled up in a straw cowboy hat. With her feet sticking up.

I'll post the pictures of the new boxes later; the shots I took are just incredible and I am by-golly going to make you look at them. And maybe I'll post some dreaded BPAL reviews if there's time.

Right now I have to go put on some makeup and make myself presentable for my granddad's memorial service. I'm trying very hard not to be sad today, but the truth is that I miss everyone I've lost, and nothing brings home the emptiness of the places where they should be like seeing what's left of the family all gathered together.

You guys hold down the fort until I get back.

grandparents, kitty pics, animals, art, fish, cuteness, cats, pics

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