BPAL Update XV

Jun 11, 2006 10:59

Here's a much-belated batch of reviews from the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. First, we have the Four Horsemen set, then some assorted scents.

The Bow and Crown of Conquest, The Great Sword of War, The Scales of Deprivation, Death on a Pale Horse, Seraglio, Torture King, and Dead Man's Hand )

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naamah_darling June 11 2006, 16:45:49 UTC
Torture King is very interesting. It's one of the more complicated scents I've tried. Provided nothing in it goes bad on you, I'm pretty sure you'll like it for the subtlety, if nothing else.

I'm still waiting on my order that should contain a nice, juicy bottle of Geek. Turnaround has gone to hell during the move. :(


bat_cheva June 12 2006, 02:23:43 UTC
I looooooooove the Seraglio. I've ordered a 10ml bottle of it, that's how much I adore it.


naamah_darling June 12 2006, 03:32:08 UTC
And it smells so nice on you too. It's a little different on you than it is on me. It's more poised and refined. On me it's just a hair dirtier.

I love it a lot. Bastet is one you might also like -- I'll have to get you to try that one. It's similarly creamy and beautiful.


liminalia June 11 2006, 16:56:57 UTC
Hmm, I might just have to try Seraglio. I love almond, sandalwood is growing on me, and there might just be enough going on there to make the rose tolerable instead of old ladyish.

Aha, so labdanum and rockrose are the same thing! That must be what gives the amber in Jacob's Ladder that delectable richness. Have you tried that one? It's my One True BPAL Amber. I want to hug and hoard the bottle like a dragon with its gold.


naamah_darling June 11 2006, 17:38:08 UTC
Jacob's Ladder is, indeed, divine. You're not wrong about its status as the Ultimate Amber scent. I'm kicking myself for not ordering two bottles of it. Or four.


perfect_beaker June 11 2006, 19:39:19 UTC
Bow and Crown is one of my favorites; You describe it so well!


rimestock June 11 2006, 20:59:59 UTC
Great Sword of War is the only perfume I currently own that I want to anthropomorphize and have sex with.

Just... for the record, and all. ¬_¬


naamah_darling June 12 2006, 03:32:30 UTC
I get that with Geek. God almighty. DO ME NOW.


My feeble attempt at BPAL reviews..lol seidhrcat June 12 2006, 06:06:15 UTC
Great Reviews! I so want to try out Seraglio now. I'm really lousy at these things, but I've recently tried out three of my new imps lately...Osun, Bewitched, and Dana O'Shee, and thought I owuld put my impressions here..lol

Osun is one I really wanted to love. It just sounded like it would be so me, unfortunately it makes me sneeze like mad. I am not sure what it is that does it, but oh man does it ever. I was most bummed because it's a honey based scent which I usually love, but my body just wasn't having it. I think though that I just might wait a while and try it again because a big part of me wants to love this scent. Also I've had alot of colds lately and it might have influenced the sneezing more than the scent.

Bewitched is a freebie imp they sent me. The description was compelling ( ... )


Re: My feeble attempt at BPAL reviews..lol naamah_darling June 12 2006, 12:12:35 UTC
I'm cracking up at the idea of your daughter sneaking a perfume on for school.

Your experience of Dana O'Shee was mine, basically. It's such a light scent! I have Osun, but haven't tried it, and now I REALLY want to try Bewitched. I don't know how that's managed not to make it onto my list!


Re: My feeble attempt at BPAL reviews..lol seidhrcat June 13 2006, 13:04:25 UTC
Heh..she just LOVES perfume, and sneaks it all the time. She also trys to swipe my make-up. She's a funny kid like that.

As for the Bewitched, it really is worth checking out, as it's such a nice scent. It's sweet smelling but in a berry sort of way..lol I keep wanting to like Osun. It's such a pretty scent, and right up my avenue..but at the time I tried it, it wasn't really working for me.

And yeah, I had noticed you had the same impression of Dana O'Shee in your review of it. It's such a pretty scent, it's just too bad it doesnt make much of an impression or stick around long.

I think based on your reviews I am going to try Schezerade and Seraglio the next time I order though, as it sounds really good.


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