
Dec 13, 2005 01:39

We put the tree up last night. Tazendra is vindicated. She feels that the tree belongs to her, and every year when it comes out, she sleeps under it for weeks on end. It's her very favorite thing.

Fish, on the other hand, went and sniffed it, gave it a withering look like "That's not a real tree. You lamers." and promptly waddled off to sprawl in front of the heating vent, which is where she spends most of her fat, fat time. If you try to move her, she bites you, usually after making a horribly indignant sound.

I have pictures of all of this.

I have about a million pictures I need to post, all of which involve funny things, cute things, or interesting things. However, since I am just that lazy, it will have to wait until I have time to pull them off the camera and resize them. Probably after I go give blood tomorrow.

The only point of telling you this is to assuage my own guilty conscience, which is positively screaming at me. I mean, I have yet to post the pictures of the little girl with a severed head from the book signing two weekends ago. And then there's the pictures of Mathurin eating a dead rat, which is what we came home to after seeing Narnia. And the picture of Fish savaging Sargon's finger. Oh, and the picture of the Nazi daycare sign.

When I tell people my life is strange, I mean it, though it is by and large the harmless kind of strange.

Right now, I'm going to tranq myself up and try to get to bed early so I can have bodily fluids drained from me ASAP tomorrow morning. Sargon and I decided that if they really wanted people to donate blood, there'd be drop-dead gorgeous vampire nurses to suck it out of you, and they'd look like either Angelina Jolie or Jason Isaacs. They just don't know how to publicise. If they made it about gratuitous hotness instead of about saving lives, they'd nail the biggest potential donor population there is: lazy, horny bastards who have squeaky clean blood because they never leave the house to get laid or travel to a foreign country. The Red Cross tries to make up for it with yummy free cookies, but the draw just isn't the same.

I have tentatively planned a photo shoot this weekend, by the way, of the fur coat. And me in a Santa hat. One or more of the cats will likely also be involved. It's probably going to be pretty cute. Just so you're warned.

red cross, fish, christmas, cats

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