Weekend! Spazzing!

Apr 01, 2005 19:28

Went to the doctor for the pre-op orientation pep talk and ritual donation of bodily fluids. That, God willing, is the last pregnancy piss-test I'll ever have to take where the watering of my eyes comes only from the pee smell, and not from tears of irony.

We got the partial bill (excluding anesthesia and extra charges, which will probably about double it). I will not tell you what I paid until I get it in writing that the insurance has paid the extra 90%. I will say that I paid for it with about a third of what I had saved up for the purpose. I have paid more for a meal. Only once, but I have.

Once I saw the bill, I did the Silly Dance of Sterilization right there in the doctor's office, in front of several people, including a pregnant woman.

It felt goood.

Seriously. I experienced a euphoric rush of happiness that made me feel fifty feet tall, and I understood the evangelical fervor that parents feel when they learn they are going to have a baby. At that moment, I wanted to sterilize every woman on the planet. I felt like every woman would want it, if they only knew how wonderful it is. I felt like I was making a real, important decision.

Yes. It feels so fucking great to know it's going to happen.

I am keeping a running total of my bills, so by the end I'll know exactly what it cost. If the insurance rolls over without a fight, it shouldn't be much. Like, even less than a car payment, maybe. Unbelievable.

The 'rents still don't know. I mean, how do you tell your parents you're getting plugged? I think my dad would be cool with it, but my mom . . . not so sure. So, I'm not telling until it's all moot.

Hopefully, everything will go well and it really will get done. I keep expecting to get an "April Fool's" from the world. This is too good to be true.

On the way home, we saw four hawks and a coyote. The coyote, a really big one, ran across the highway in front of us and paused on the embankment, looking back. Very handsome. I slowed down the car, and could hear his feet crunching in the grass as he trotted off.

Completely cool. We'll consider the predator birds and wild canid good signs.

If you don't hear from me much until, well, Wednesday, don't be surprised. I'll update Monday, or have Sargon do it, to let everyone know how things went, but otherwise I'll probably be too busy taking care of stuff and freaking out to post much.

New icons courtesy of shemchedash. They rock.


health, childfree, doctor crap

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