Flowers and garden things...

Jun 01, 2009 21:36

I forgot to mention in my last post that I have a Dreamwidth account. I don't know how much I'll use it, but I'd love to connect up with people over there that are on my flist here, just in case we all have to suddenly flee LJ or something. *grin*

Our spring here was the rainiest I can ever remember. April is also tornado month here, and we had a few very, very bad ones - two people were killed and neighborhoods devastated just 30 miles south of where we live. We were holed up in the basement watching it on live TV - very, very scary.

Under the cut are some pictures I've taken since March of the flowers and birds in my garden. :)

Apple blossom and bee

Cherry blossoms


I went outside one day when the tornado sirens were going off and this was what one part of the sky looked like. The rest was dark and there was a very eerie orange glow on the horizon.

For a couple of days every year in early spring we are invaded by these very charming little birds on their way to northern breeding grounds for the summer. They are usually in flocks, but this is the first time we've ever had them come right in our yard and camp out by the birdbath.

Cedar waxwings

I was in bird heaven - these are probably my most favorite wild birds, and since we only see them very rarely... *squeeee* :D

And the much more commonly seen, baby robins. These were in a nest in my mother's yard.



Garden Gnome

My attempt at a little Japanese-style garden

Mountain Laurel and Lilies - also from my mother's yard


One of the first roses

Roses and Clematis



Hydrangea - just coming into bloom

These were the best pics, but there are a few more, similar, pictures in my gallery...

garden, birds

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