And it goes on and on and on
Tomorrow, there is an exame and then 4 more to go.
To add to this hell, I have an intern ship as well just before the next semester will start.
That means: No free time T-T
The last weekend was such a great distraction from all this shit, though!
I had so much fun ^___^
Just playing games, having fun beeing myself.
Thanks for that, guys!
And everyone: When I say Yama yoi say P!! Yama Piiiiii xDDD
I will be at my parents untill Sunday ^-^
Even though I have to learn, I can see them for more then just some minutes after so longe.
And furthermore, I'm going to visit my grandprents and my uncles! It has been nearly two month sice the last time I've seen them Oo
I really miss them.