Argh! I have a stupid virus on my computer. But here's some quizzes I took from Sei's LJ! ^^;;
Oh!...a Fallen. You are in mourning for the world,
and your place in it.You see the world as a
dark and broken place.You don't see why you are
here, when you are so different.But no worries,
you have a place here.After all if you didn't
you wouldn't be here.:)
Whats your take on the World? brought to you by
You're FANTA! unknown by many but loved by those
who know you. eventually you'll come into your
own and SHINE like you do in europe!
What kind of soda are you? brought to you by
Scary in a very good way, you're Fairuza Balk.
What sexy girl are you brought to you by