Was a low-key day yesterday without getting much done in the way of useful stuff, because I felt kind of grim after the meeting with the boss. It could have been much worse, but it could have been much better.
Today was much better! Got my first paper sent off for publication -- I hope they accept it, even if they want me to do some corrections etc. This was a good thing, because it meant I could send an email to Rol my supervisor from PhD days, who'd agreed yesterday to act as a referee for me in job hunt, but pointedly commented that a few papers would really help me in making more of my career.
After I'd posted the paper -- wibble! -- I treated myself to some more JavaScript...
but today's if-then script wouldn't work as nicely as Monday's. It took a while to figure out that all that was wrong was that the speechmarks around the script prompt where curly rather than straight. Still not sure how it managed this. After that problem wa resolved, however, it ran sweetly...
After the programming and hunting around the web for potentially useful sources, I wrote the first part of the assignment that I have to hand in on the 15th. When I mentioned it to Ceejay, she remembered that she had a whole lot of journals about the teaching of psychology that I could borrow. As it happened, the first of these that I picked up had two articles by people from my old university: Rol, Ruby and a couple of other colleague! I also found two potentially very useful papers for my assignment.
Anyway, spent the evening editing some of one of my big stories, so that I can get it into a place from where I can continue writing it. This is one that I have mentioned to Polly before -- hopefully, I'll be able to send you some of it soon for some comment, my dear evil twin...
Time for bed now, another meeting with boss tomorrow.