Okay, I guess since I don't have anything better to do tonight (like sleeping) and since my best friend, who has been keeping me company tonight (and helping me emptying the bottles of red wine I had in my cupboard) thinks this is so amusing (well, it's not my fault she doesn't like football...), I'll try oi finish the second part of my picspam too. Again, so not dial-up friendly (sorry, again!)
So here we go, not just the coaches, but his team-mates and opponents too love Philipp:
They did already in Stuttgart:
And of course they do also in Munchen:
Owen:"Can't get the ball--even better, I'm taking the whole Fipsi" Roy *Totally confusing Fipsi's head and the ball*
And of course the rest of the Boyharem loves him just as much as every one of it's members_
(OK, does he look like a 12 year old in this picture, or not?)
(Well, they would love him even more, if they could catch him)
And he seems to have some special thing with the goalies (and vice versa):
And for some (not-so-weird) reason, his opponenets can't resist him either:
Nor all those strange, furry animals (*lol* couldn't help my self):