Movies, Cookies, & Action

Mar 18, 2011 16:04

1. Yesterday I proclaimed my love for Divergent by Veronica Roth (review here) and today she blogged about Summit buying the film rights. How exciting! Seriously, you should check out this book.

2. I'm glad they have finally cast someone as Katniss for The Hunger Games movie. I can't wait to see how they transform Jennifer Lawrence. And now I'm eager to find out who will play Peeta. I don't have a preference for who but I hope they can do tough and vulnerable.

3. I would really like to be here with a good book...and remove the cat for my dog.


4. Things that made me happy this week: my mom sending me a box of girl scout cookies and eating shrimp tacos.

5. I feel like I've been on the final chapters of my wip forever. I'm tempted to just write "They all die. The End!" I think why I'm struggling so much is that the ending is full of action, sword fighting, and explosions. Which is fun to read but when writing, you really have to choreograph and get technical stuff down. But I'm sure it'll be worth it when I do finally finish. Happy reading and writing to all of you!
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