It's Monday evening and I really have so much to do, but couldn't resist taking some time to write in my journal. I spent last weekend in Cloquet and it was so nice to hook up with my group of girls again. I say girls because, really, that's what we are when we're together. We giggle and laugh *at* each other and *with* each other - we tease and share secrets together, and we advise each other on everything under the sun, many times when it's not even requested! :) Sometimes we even cry together and no matter what, if one of us isn't there, another one surely will be. That's friendship and lucky for me, I have these three girls - one of them is my sister, and the other two are like sisters. We even fight like sisters, truth be told!
So that's what I did this weekend and as usual, there were lots of stories to tell. Paula's mom is really sick, and so is her sister-in-law. That was really sad news to hear. Sharon's been going on lots of dates from an online dating service, but so far that "special" guy has eluded her. Denise hasn't found a job after being laid-0ff from the one she had for many years, but we all told her to relax and enjoy being home because she probably won't be for long. And me - well I told everyone about our impending move and what led up to it and how we're dealing with the repercussions.
The get-together was a celebration of sorts since our birthday's all fall within a three-month timeframe. We went out for dinner and drinks and then went to Denise's house where we sat around a bonfire for literally hours before coming in for birthday cake and then bundling up for more bonfire fun! It was nearly 5 a.m. before we finally called it a night! So much fun and I can't wait to do it again!