Aug 01, 2004 21:34
I have a new obsession. its not really new, nor an obsession. but thats alright. ask if you want to know my new\old obsession\i dont know.
i have a knot in my back.. it hurts. i need a back brace, i ahve a hunched back. my lower back is too arched and my upper back is hunched. i look like a fool.
school starts in a month. this week ill be doing something, nect is disney, then next is running camp,a nd the next getting ready. it seems too quick. ill have to do all my shopping in one week. i cant belive it. if you want to hang out youll ahve to do it this week. geesh time flys by.
my moms birthday was today. shes getting old. im not going to say her age, out of embarrasment for the both of us, but shes old.
i have a cold, and a cough. i think i have a sligh fever too.
i hope its nice this week, its been a pretty crummy summer.