Dec 03, 2002 13:01
In most romantic comedies, there will be that one scene. It's the scene in which I was the star today. The President of the need not be named club in which I am part of is very loud and will most likely embarrass anyone just by being in her presence. (that is if one is easily embarrassed) I like the girl a lot for her presence and charisma. Yet today, as I was thinking about how loud she was, she brought my name up. I was sitting in the back of the room, minding my own business, enjoying the free lunch provided. And mid-bite, "I nominate Juliet. I think she'd do a good job." Yes, mid-bite, midst my sandwich falling apart, mouth full of turkey, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes and me shaking my head as I put my sandwich down.- wiping my mouth with a napkin. Not a big deal now but at the moment I almost thought I was in a sitcom of a girlie girls nightmare- A bit over the top but when I'm having the oh-super-sensitive day- it's horrible, but now, I must laugh at the silliness (if such a word exists) of the situation.