Wanna get to kno me??

Nov 10, 2005 16:20

i n f o r m a t i o n
1. full name: Danielle Amber R.
2. single or taken: Taken
3. sex: Female
4. birthday: September 25th
6. siblings: 4 Sisters 4 Brothers. (2 sisters from my mom and the we just got the same dad but we are really CLOSE… they are 24,20,18,me-17,14,12,11,3, and 1)
7. hair color: I dyed it back to my natural color... brown
8. eye color: Green Hazel. THEY’RE 100% ALL MINE. don’t hate
9. skin color: This sexy ass lightskin color
10. shoe size: 6.5 in boys and 8.5 in girls
11. height: 5'5... I wanna be alittle bit taller though
12. Sign: tha sexy Libra
13. nickname: at home: D or Dan... in my hood: Danni or Action--- cuz I get it crackin lol... Dayneezie-my close friends call me this lol... school: Danni or just Danielle
14. best asset: my eyes, they are enticing and hypnotizing. But phsyically I would have to say my thighs.

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who is your best friend?: Myself. Everybody is fake. You can only depend and trust yourself now-a-days. Then again, you really can't trust yourself. But I got a lot of close friends lyk my nig Brittany.
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes
3. are you easy to get along w/?: 4sho, unless i don't want to get along with you.
4. whats ya longest relationship?: all throughout middle school (3 years.)
5. Shortest?: I don't keep a calendar. Over a month or something, my relationships be long. You know, I don't nigga hop.
6. Have you ever been dumped?: Naw nope.
7. Which relationship do you cherish the most in the whole wide world? the relationship I have with My GOD bcuz I know that he is the only man that will NEVER let me down.

f a s h i o n s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop?: Demo, Kaufmann’s… basically anywhere in the mall that isn’t lame. I hate places like Rave and Rainbow.
2. any tattoos or piercings?: I got 2 tattoos and 3 holes in my ear with my upper left ear pierced… it’s sexy! AND IMMA BOUT TO GET ANOTHER ONE
3. what type of clothes do you like?: Everything in my closet is named brand. I like Baby Phat, Ecko Red, Apple Bottoms, Roc-a-Wear, etc.
4. Heels or Sneakers?: Heels. I look sexy

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: No, just drink
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Motions
3. what are you most scared of?: Any type of bugs and frogs
5. who is the last person that called you?: Let me look at my incoming calls... MY BABY BOY
6. where do you want to get married?: More than likely somewhere out of town where the sight is beautiful.
7. how many buddies are online right now?: I don’t be on the computer all like that so I don’t have any. 0
8. what would you change about yourself?: My toenail polish

f a v o r i t e s
1. color: pink and green
2. food: I love seafood.
3. boys names: Maurice, Aaron,
4. girls names: Eva, Maria, Anaya, Mya
5. subjects in school: English and Math… strange huh! BUT I LOVE THEM.
6. animals: Anything little. They’re soooooooo adorable.
7. sports: Football. I LOVE THE STEELERS... and basketball
8. singer: Beyonce
9. Rapper: Weezy and Juelz Santana
10. Movie: Mo' Money... that is funny as hell

h a v e y o u e v e r...
1. given anyone a bath?: My dog, Bella… she’s dead
2. smoked?: 4sho
3. bungee jumped?: NO
4. made yourself throw up?: NO
5. skinny dipped?: NO
6: ever been in love?: Yes
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: They just come naturally. I am very emotional
8. pictured your crush naked?: Probably, but can’t remember
9. actually seen your crush naked?: No
10. cried when someone died?: Duh
11. lied: about little sh!t
12. fallen for your best friend?: 4sho
13. been rejected?: By a job... that’s about the only type of rejection that I will ever get. Feel me
14. rejected someone?: 4sho
15. used someone?: That’s not what I’m into
16. done something you regret?: OH YEA
17. Taken a naked picture?: no... but I'm bout to so I can send it to my boyfriend who is in jail. I'm gonna have a bra and some panties on. I'm no gon be fully naked.

c u r r e n t
clothes: My Ecko Red jacket and some ecko jeans with them new Air Forces that just came out.[they’re hard]
music: Weezy F Baby… plz save the baby
make-up: Fuck No... By beauty is NATURAL
annoyance: Niggas who jock me and this one bitch that is on my dick in school
in cd player: Weezy: The Dedication
hair syle: A wrap

l a s t p e r s o n
you touched: Honestly I don’t remember cuz I jus left skool. Probably my bro, Mark Lowery on my way to 8th period. We ain’t really related we jus cool like that.
hugged: Let me think, Joel Bell. I gave him a hug in the halls at skool. I don't talk to him you know ppl jus be hugging ppl in the halls
you yelled at: This boy named Hoover in my 8th period class. He is annoying... he said something dumb.
you kissed: T
said i love you 2: John

a r e y o u?????????????
understanding: Yes, when I wanna be
open-minded: Yes
arrogant: People say I am but I don’t see it
insecure: Fuck no
interesting: Oh 4sho
random: LOL... yea
hungry: Yes... always am
smart: Smart as hell
moody: When its that time of the month
healthy: Yeah
shy: When it somes to being sexual or my body
difficult: Damn, are you sure the person that wrote this don’t know me cuz yall describing me down to the Q. Yes I’m difficult... but who isn’t
messy: No. I can’t stand messy things, messy people, or messy places
obsessed: wit what?... Lip gloss

r a n d o m
In the morning i am: sexy as fuqk
all i need is: Some lip gloss and I’m good 2 go.
love is...: blind and it don't hurt... well it aint supposed to
i dream about: I haven’t had a dream lately.

o p p o s i t e s e x
what do you notice first: They gear (clothes, shoes, fitted)
last person you slow danced with: It was at Homecoming but damn I don’t remember I WAS FEELING IT.
worst question to ask me: Are them your eyes. OMG I hate that sh!t
makes you laugh the most: My aunt… she funny as hell
makes you smile: compliments
who do you have a crush on: Lil Wayne
who has a crush on you: A lot of ppl. Some I don’t even know

d o y o u e v e r
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: hell No i love being a gurl
wish you were younger: No... probably when i get older i'll wish that i was
cried because someone said something to you?: No unless it’s that someone I love is dead.

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: None
of hearts i have broken: Many and counting.
of guys I’ve kissed: not many. I don’t kiss any and everyone. Lets be real
of girls ive kissed: none, except my raise when I was little
of continents i have lived in: one
of tight friends: Couple
of cds i own: a thousand
of scars on my body: many. Some from shaving my legs, some from fighting when I was little.

f i n a l q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like filling these out?: No
2. gold or silver: Gold. I love Gold. I’m blinged out wit it right now. Don’t hate.
3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Diary of a Mad Black Women
7. favorite cartoon?: I don’t watch cartoons. Tricks are 4 kids.
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: Cereal, apple juice
10. who would you love being locked in a room with?: Lil Wayne
11. could you live without your computer?: Yeah
12. would you color your hair? It’s colored right now. I’ve dyed it black, red, and honeyblonde.<---that’s what color it is now.
13. could you ever get off the computer?: yeah it's not that important
14. habla espanol? Si
15: drink alcohol?: O 4sho. I fuqks wit that grey Goose though. Grey Goose... gets you loose.. lol
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