Oo thats guNna b tHe SouNd

Apr 20, 2005 17:55

wow watta fascinting day!:p
1st* umm i had to work fast n get all 17 problems done b/c it was like 15mins b4 i started!
2nd* boring movie....
3rd* I almost passed out bc i was so nervous 4 drama:/ cant wait 4 2morrow!lol
4Th* talked the wole hr to sammi n sara n sara told us her lil gross secret w/ ryan P!! lol ilu sara!
6Th* i cant remember problyy bored... the same
7th* watched liek the last minute of that video n it was just hat old lady getting up n walking to a car then she died! yea she was like 110 yrs old i would wanna die if i was that old 2!!lol then did the spreadsheet thingy!

Bus ride* Interesting ride home, stef n dom were mad at each other n yea thats pretty much it!

Came home n went to Burger king with my mommy n then went to my chiropartor((it was aguy this time n he was kinda stronnger than my regular 1 so it hurt!!lol) When i came home it was abiout 12:30 n erin came over n dom n phil n ryan n we were playing games!! lol it was fun dom was so silly he kept buying paintings then he didnt have ne money left to buy nethingLMAO dom,philerin n ryan! so then we all quit n played twister n my sister came out n played gesters w/ us until tara came n them she took Ashleys spot! then we went over doms n i walked like BARBIE on the tredmile!lmao erin n ryan!!! then me n erin were dancing w/ ryan and got freaky!ilu erin!!LMAOO... wow watta dayy then me n erin n ryan started beating each other up n then we went on doms trampoline!!n tara kept making her face look like a fish! Now i'm home ((all alone)) b/c i got dance in a HOUR! n i need to go get ready!! bye babi:p
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