Post the Eight-Hundred and Eight-First - The Bracket Will Eat Your Soul...

Mar 04, 2011 11:51

I love typicrobots like mad, but the bracket this year is killing me.

Oh sure, there have been times in past years when my heart broke a little, but that happened at the 8 and 4 level match ups, not in the FIRST ROUND!!!

There are only two shows that I watch on the teen side, so why must Cappie be going up against Kurt?! And in drama... Oh my poor Sherlock, I love you so, but Sybil Crawly is going to own you. Add to that the now annual Sophie's Choice of Doctor vs. Mal and I am a very sad little fangirl.

fandom: glee, internet: lj, fangirl: tv, interests: fandom, fandom: head goes boom!, fandom: doctor who, fandom: british tv, fandom: firefly, fangirl: sigh, friends: my flist made me do it

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