Here's my list of awesome remix/redux 7 stories. Enjoy and be sure to leave comments, remix stories are super scary to write (side note: my O.A. left me the most amazing comment/praise I've ever had).
First and fore most -
Echoes of the Past (The Holographic Businesswoman Remix) [Firefly/Dollhouse; Adelle DeWitt]
02 -
Its Own Appointed Limits Keep (The Music of the Voice Remix) [The Little Mermaid; Eric/Ariel]
03 -
Persistence of Memory (The Lives of Saints Remix) [Torchwood; Martha + TW team; Canon Pairings]
04 -
Afterthought (Selected Writings on Tremors and Other Natural Phenomenon, a Remix) [Firefly; Zoe]
05 -
Missing Hawk (The Anger Turned Sideways Remix) (M*A*S*H; Hawkeye; PG-13)
07 -
Brush Up Your Shakespeare (The Wild and Whirling Words Remix) [Firefly; River, Wash; g]
08 -
Whore (Standard's Not My Native Tongue Megamix), [Star Trek: AOS; Gaila, Uhura]
09 -
Steps on the Slow Path (The Brokedown Dancebeat Remix) [Doctor Who; Doctor/Reinette, PG]
10 -
The Logical Thing (The Kick in the Pants Remix) [Star Trek: The Original Series, Spock/Chapel]
11 -
stretch on forever (the no regrets remix) [Star Wars, Obi-Wan, PG]
12 -
Battle (Cast Out the Shadows Mix) [Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler]
13 -
Lickety Spit (the Tootsie Pop Remix) [Farscape; John/Aeryn]
14 -
Threads (The Fabric of Our Lives Remix) [Firefly; Simon, River]
15 -
Ash and Smoke (Retrospective Remix) [Lord of the Rings; Denethor]
16 -
10 Times Sarah Met, Crossed Paths With or Narrowly Avoided Martha Jones (Doctor Who; Martha, Sarah)
17 -
Five Lives Elizabeth Swann Never Lived (The Quantum Leap Remix) [PotC; Elizabeth/various; PG]
18 -
Nothing is Right (The It's Time To Stop Remix) (Fairy Tales (trad) , Anmaryse)
19 -
Matched Set (The Clothes Make the Man Remix) (ST Reboot, Chekov, PG13)
20 -
WWD/DD? (What Would Doctor/Dad Do?) (Doctor Who: Jenny, Jack Harkness)