Okay, I'm a Trip/T'Pol (Star Trek: Enterprise) shipper. I think I have read every story at the House of Tucker (big flippin' archive). The first story I read was "Passionfruit" and it got me hooked, my favorite story is "The Firebrand" which is all kinds of awesome. Both of these stories were written by the same author.
Fast forward several years.
I'm now looking for any Tony/Pepper (Iron Man) stories I can find. There is a multi chapter story called "Edin in a Box" that is wonderful.
But the authors name is tickling the back of my brain.
Then it clicks, the name is the same.
So I ask if she is the same author, she answers "yup", I fangirl all over the place.
Yeah, I was that fan - "OMG! You are so amazing! I reread your stories all the time! You're awesome!!!!!111!!"
::head desk::
Things to Do in Dec:
Confirm and pay for hall re: Scrooge cast party - will be done at 4:30.
Make seating chart for Scrooge school show - Done!
Sew on hooks and eyes re: Scrooge costume - Done!
Make postcard for
marcasite re: x-mas wish list - Done!
Send postcard
Make music mix for
marcasite re: x-mas wish list - Done!
Watch Michael Buble's PBS show
Make banner for
erinm_4600 re: birthday - Done!
catyuy = Post SNOTR 9 re: birthday - Done!
Finish part nine of SNOTR - Done!
Write the Girls Gathering story for
erinm_4600 re: anniversary - Started
Figure out what the heck is up with the Tell Me of Your Yesterday's universe - Yeah, still no clue.
Write last "Cutting Edge" story
Create a performance for First Night since the dir we had lined up dropped out. - I got 3 guys and 3 women.
Find USB plug for MP3 player - I'm really get sick of the same three hours of music.
Make banners for the Last Word challenges. - Done!