Post the Three-Hundred and Thirtyth - Fan Meme

Aug 15, 2008 22:53

Since everyone on my f-list is doing it (geez, I hope you guys don't decide to jump off a bridge).

You Might Be a Fan If ... -

Bold the ones that are true:

If you have ever made Trill puns in cold blood, you might be a fan.

- You have ever sat someone else down to marathon through fifteen episodes of a lousy '80s series just so she could watch this one scene (but she needed the context to appreciate it! Really!). Does it count if I've had it done to me?

- Your idea of a rockin' weekend means camping out in your living room with five friends, four laptops, one desktop, plenty of takeout and bagels, and a giant stack of Stargate discs.

- You have ever in your life uttered the phrase: "Egon is such a babe."

You celebrate Joss Whedon's birthday but can't remember if your sister's birthday is on the 10th or the 23rd. Again half true, I do celebrate Joss's birthday, but there is no way my sisters would let me forget what theirs is.

- You've memorized the email address of the guy who wrote the third episode of second season, but you have to look up how to spell your boss's last name every time your write it down.

You know the names of the people involved with your show. Sometimes, you scare them that way.

- You have more than one pet named after favorite characters.

- You have more than one child named after favorite characters.

- You're seriously considering the merits of using "Ianto" for the next one. (That poor girl.)

- You posted your positive pregnancy test online to let your fannish friends know before you told your parents. (You weren't home, Mom. Get over it.) (What is it with me and the half points? I must not be old enough) I've tracked a friends pregnancy on-line.

- Your first spark of interest in your SO was when you linked his/her name to a favorite character.

- Your second was when s/he said, "Oh yeah. I watch that show."

- Your wedding march was Darth Vader's theme.

- The original Battlestar Galactica theme.

- The X-Files theme.

- Played on kazoos by your guests.

- While you and your spouse were in costume.

- If you stopped doing laundry for a month, you could wear clean convention t-shirts the whole time.

- You have an area of your closet (or an entire closet in your home) dedicated to the costumes you wear to cons.

- You spent more than $50 on your costume.

- You spent more than $100 on your costume and had to special order some of the pieces.

- You separate your fanfiction writing years into "Before existed" and everything else.

You were making up stories in your head years about your favorite TV shows before anyone ever said the word "fanfiction" to you. After you found out what it was, a lot of your life made a lot more sense. - Um, I still have the notebook I was writting my "Star Wars" story out of.

You care strongly about fairness and ethics in politics, but have helped stuffed a ballot box to help your favorite show win an online popularity contest.

- You oppose torture but would gladly put to the rack people who post spoilers. Only if they did so without a warning.

- Your emphasis in decorating your basement is defined as "eclectic" by your mother and "still not a perfect replica of Ten Forward" to you.

You are incapable of hearing, reading or speaking the word "inconceivable" without quoting "The Princess Bride." Duh!

- Don't even try "fully functional." Snort.

- You have blown off more than one supposedly "social" function in order to catch a new episode of that show you like but aren't quite ready to Tivo-commit to.

- You know that the best parties aren't the store-sponsored midnight release parties, they're the parties you have back at home afterwards where you and your friends are lounging around at two o'clock in the morning, all reading quietly.

- The action figures you have bought yourself as an adult outnumber the toys that survived your childhood.

- The action figures live on your desk. Well, not my desk (I don't have one), but Sheen does live on my bookcase.

- Sometimes you make little weddings for them. Sometimes they do naughty things with each other.

- You take pictures of both and post them online. Um... it's nothing naughty, but I did have a photolog of "Sheen at..." Sheen at tap class, Sheen at the theater, Sheen at Shea, etc.

- Your preschool children have opinions on Doctor Who.

- Your teenaged children write Torchwood slash.

There is no way you can consider anyone named "Captain Jack" straight. - Please.

You don't get football rules but you can explain time travel paradoxes in terms of which franchise did it screwy which way which time. You have screencaps to prove your point. - Only American football, football like the rest of the world plays it I know cold.

You may have one reality show guilty secret, but your true love is Mythbusters. Hell to the Yes!!!!

- You have your favorite actors who play Superman and Batman, but you can get downright mean when it comes to who's the right Flash or best Green Lantern.

- When you hear "crisis management" you try to remember who was the editor of DC at the time.

Your first reaction to any new fandom is wondering where it overlaps with your old fandoms.

Your second is to read every single fanfiction you can find.

Your third is to ignore the ones that don't feature your favorite character, are written in netspeak, and/or were beta-read by ocelots. Oh my lord, YES!!!

- Your opinion on musicals aside, you know most of the lyrics to "Once More With Feeling," to the chagrin of your carpool.

- Your exposure to a new song means you've got a new fanvid idea.- Make it stop, make it stop. Dear lord in heaven, make it STOP!!!

- You own CDs because you first heard the songs in a fanvid and liked them.

- When you were little, you wanted to marry Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, or Carrie Fisher. You'd still totally do any of them. - Hello Captain Solo!

- You'd rather kiss a Wookiee.

- You have ever tried to explain furries to someone.

You met most of your close friends online or through other fannish friends. The friends you didn't meet that way are being shown the good parts of the lousy '80s series.

- You can play Fizzbin.

- There are episodes (or parts of episodes) that Didn't. Happen. You're quite clear on which ones. - Or books... and movies. I mean Anne of Green Gables 4, WTF Kevin Sullavin!!!

- You watched the Avatar series finales on Nick when they aired even though, to you, they were reruns.

- Your squick about incestuous relationships between siblings changed abruptly when you saw the Weasley twins on screen. - No, it was the moment that Peter's mom told Clare "I'm your grandmother". Really, I cried.

- You pronounce Mxyzptlk the old way.

- You giggled when Serenity showed up briefly on BSG.

- You invested your salon budget into a good set of headphones for your iPod, secure in the knowledge that you own a pair of scissors and an electric razor already.

- That iPod is loaded with filk, folk, soundtracks, and songs you learned from fanvids.

- You can recite "Star Wars" by heart. All of it. (Go ahead, try it now!)

- You can't help but think LEGO anything is automatically more cool.

- You get really pissed off when you find out someone else has already taken your preferred username when you sign onto a new journaling system, BBS or webmail site.

- You use the phrase "My *blank* is pastede on yay" in daily conversation and can name the wank from which it came.

- You've heard of /b/ but you don't give a damn so long as the cat macros keep flowing.

You spend more time Photoshopping your icons of your favorite couple than you did doing your homework in college. - Um, I skipped college so... YES!

- You have traveled to a new city to meet up with people you'd never spoken with in real life before to attend an event as a group. And you came home with pictures! - Firthlings!!!

- You went to another country for a con and Customs balked at what you were carrying when you came back, even if it was the same thing you took with you. - I drove four hours to Ottawa to go to a skating show. When the border guard asked me why I was entering the country I told them... and there was the longest moment of silence I had ever heard.

You wish everyone wore their LJ names on nametags in the real world. (Except maybe yourself.) - including myself.

You wish life came with an LJ-cut feature. - gods yes!

Also cat macros.

You have ever tried to explain cat macros to someone who doesn't go online much.

- You have ever used a cat macro or other Internet fad in a business setting.

- And gotten away with it.

Despite never having met some of them, you are emotionally closer to the people with whom you've cowritten fanfics than you are to your siblings. This is hard to explain come the holidays.

- Where you hear or read the words "Hey, didn't you write …" directed at you, you pray it's a fanfic and not some drunken rant you posted ten years ago.

- You're disappointed when it turns out to be somebody else's fanfic or drunken rant.

- You eat Pocky, Jelly Babies, and other foods introduced to you by television, (and I don't mean ads).

- You cannot look at a jar of Nutella without remembering the fanfic where one half of your OTP licked it off the other half. That you've got the jar out because you're making a sandwich for a six year old is not helping, especially when he's asking you why you're laughing so hard.

And finally, you might be a fangirl if you go through the stages of grief when you find out your favorite childhood series is now getting a big-budget summer blockbuster makeover:

1. "No way!"
2. "They better not screw over my favorite 'ship."
3. "Those spoilers from the leaked script suck."
4. "That actor is hot."
5. "Was there pR0n written for the original fandom?"
6. *Google*
7. *write more pR0n*
     - Sadly, this has never happened to me. But a "Red Dwarf" movie would ROCK!!! (When I was a kid we got ABC and PBS, sometimes FOX if I had enough wire hangers. I grew up on Brit Coms.)

internet: meme, interests: fandom

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