Feb 06, 2006 10:18
Well...i went to my appointment on friday...but they said they dont knwo if they can accept the insurance i have...sooo yeha i didn;t ahve the thigny...so i ahve to call for mental illness...some # on the back of the insurance card...ummm...n e ways......wish i could move out.........but right now my mom is actualmaking appointments and stuff...sooo...yeha...if i wnat to move out i woudl ahve to see if it;s ok with my mom...cuz she's doing stuff that dhs needs her to do..which is not that much at all...........................................................................................................................................................umm...........................................................................................................................................i might have peoel over firday or saturday...depends when i ahve my next appointment...but yeah...urmmm........................................................................................idk what else to write...ooo...um...well pam told me some guy is interested in meeting me...im actually thinking of meeting him...shocking i know..i just hope i dont go all go die on him...lol...ehhh.........................................oh god.............i ahd this nightmare...sena was in it...my ex...annnd...well i had a party at my place and someone invited him...soi went outside and jsut stayed there and then lter on i was hanging out with sean';s little bro(he doens;thave a little bor, but it's a dream thinger...so yeha)...so me and his bro are hanging out and beign flirty then we get with each other...just making out...them the next day..im at diner wiht a frined...( the frined is grace form willand grace)...then we see sena and his new g.f at dinner...and they joined us...a little later his g.f goes somewhere to do somehtign..idk..then grace goes somewhere...and i jsut get up and leave...he says "jess wait"...im crying my eyes out walking away fast...then he says again "jess wait!!!"...so i turn around and say "what?!!!, i dont wnat to talk to you...do you ahve ne idea how i feel?!!!, how much i cared about you!...your the reason why im cold hearted"......he's just standing there silent...saying "jess......"...i jsut shake my head and walking away...when i woke upformthenightmare i just felt like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!...i did NOT wnat to have him in my dreams or nightmares...well with him in n e thing it'sa nightmare.......::sigh::...im gonna go now...so take care and bye for now