bit of a pointless one...

Jul 04, 2006 20:45

well.... im not dead :D incase anyone was wondering! I just thought i would let you all know what ive been up to for the last week nd a bit in case u r at all interested! Theres pictures....

last friday was the ball, my personal highlight was being able to get a pint glass down my clevage (i am hot).

last saturday chris drove us back to wales (with out getting lost <3 tomtom) where we went to the full ponty. Automatic were ace as were the delays glc and feeder! The new stufffeeder played was amazing!! 

 (my immense photography skills)
last sunday me nd christopher went to cardiff bay and had ice cream, i tried to make him order a lovers platter but he was sooo having none of it! It was the best ice cream ever most of it ended up on my clothes tho (again i am hot) 

monday i started to become jealous of my dog and chris' blossoming relationship :( the dog was taken on a lovely romantic walk through the park! Ive never been taken on a romantic walk through a park nor does chriso stroke my tummy lol DUMPED!!  (stupid pic of dog>>>)

tuesday i was ill nd didnt go to placement ergh then went to placement till friday
and this weekend i have mainly been sitting in pub gardens drinking maibu :D sunny newport is weird...but nice! I made my sister drive and find an ice cream van today so we could have 99's :D
omg!! my straighteners have died!! i think i may die to!! how am i going to live! i cant possibly have curly hair...or worse tie my hair back! I dont care if that is really shallow but but but *cries*

lol im loving the pictures lol

NED xxx
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