LJ Idol Voting

Dec 04, 2011 12:32


So far, I think I've been doing a good job of not spamming you with requests for votes. I'm trying to stick to my goals as much as possible, and I don't think I've compromised them too much. The one compromise I've made seems like a fair way to handle things, so I'm pleased.

This week is a "Community Only" vote. If you're already a LJ Idol community member, there's nothing to do but read and vote.

If you're NOT a community member yet, but you would like to read and vote, just wander over to the community and join, and then you, too, can vote.

My entry on the topic of "Food Memory" involves feral cats and kittens that I've known as a child and as an adult. Hope you enjoy it!


M out.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I am in Tribe 5. Sorry 'bout that.


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