Hanai Profile

Apr 09, 2011 22:06

An explanation of all fields:
alias: Natalie or Captian? lol
timezone: Mountain Time Zone
chat: n.applehead90@gmail.com
character journal: http://n-captain.livejournal.com/

name: Hanai Azusa. Captain.
age: 16 (Born April 28th)
position & team: Right-fielder (also a pitcher); Nishiura.
koushien dream email: bandannasftw@koushiendream.net

Hanai was once the clean-up hitter in middle school, where he played with a softball opposed to the hardball he plays with in Nishiura. Apparently his former school didn't have very good players and they lost a lot of their games, but Hanai was renowned for being the best on his team. So now that he's surrounded by exceptional players and batting fifth, he's grown a bit of an inferiority complex. (Though it usually only shows around Tajima; the current clean-up hitter, or his mom) He competes with Nishiura's star to show that he can be the better player, but also because he finds it best to have a rival to help exceed limitations. Hanai is Nishiura's team captain, (coincidentally in Junior High too) since he's not afraid to speak up to Coach Momoe. Not to mention his smarts and observation skills, which probably helped him be voted into the position as well. Being captain has a lot of responsibilities, so it shows that Hanai is a very dependable person, and ready to take whatever gets thrown at him. As for his family, he lives with his mom and dad (his dad has no interest whatsoever in his playing baseball or the sport in general) and two younger twin sisters. At home he's rather quiet and keeps to himself, but when he does talk its about baseball or his current team.

Hanai is overall a calm person, though he does have his moments, which display his hotheadedness or confusion. Most of which happen around Tajima. (surprise surprise) And though a lot of the time he appears calm, his thoughts can be anything but. Still, he's very good at covering that up, and keeping his game-face intact most of the time, especially for his team.
He can be a little on the competitive-side, but overall he doesn't allow it to throw him off his game. He's learned that his team comes first, then rivalries. But he's still never one to turn down a challenge. Its something that he really can't bring himself to do, and later realizes that maybe... he should have thought about it first. Like why Abe chose him to go up against Mihashi's pitching instead of Tajima. There's reasons behind everything, but Hanai tends to put them aside and deal with what's in front of him first; consequences later.
Much of the time he's found trying to prove himself over Tajima. Although he doesn't usually say it out loud, (wanting that image of being unfazed to still be there) he is thinking about it a lot, especially when his rival shows a new amazing trait. It frustrates him if he can't come close to something Tajima has accomplished, (the 7.9 second on the number-exercise, or hitting off of Kanou's forker for example.) and he either eventually gives into the idea or fights to show he can do it too. Much of Hanai's personality is a competitor, namely Tajima's, and a lot of his actions are based off of this too. He may be able to admit that Tajima is the better ballplayer, but that doesn't stop him from trying his best to do well too. And even though he sees Tajima as clear competition, he still appreciates what his rival contributes to their team and gives him as much support as the rest of the players do.
As far as team captain goes, he wasn't exactly crazy about being unanimously voted into the position. At first he doesn't really want the responsibility, but the idea seems to grow on him when Momoe put her condolences in as well. But he's very mature (Tajima-thing aside) and responsible overall for his age, and he does work well with all of his teammates. Apparently that wasn't hard for everyone on the baseball-team to see. (I'm guessing he likes to be praised, since he gave into the role of alternate pitcher under similar circumstances.) He's there for his team, and he does everything he can to help prepare them for anything down the road.
Not only does he help with his role as team captain, but Hanai also isn't afraid to lend a hand to his friends outside of the game; especially if it involves the good of the team. He's smart and does pretty well in school, so he's willing to help those who could use some. He seems to have a thing for English, lucky for a lot of his team, since many seem to struggle with the subject. So not only is he the team's captain, but he's an English tutor to them as well.
And although Hanai is respectful to most adults and other students/players, he's a bit on the rude-side when it comes to his mom. May have something to do with her naming him Azusa... She claims its a good name, but that troubles Hanai. Probably had  a hard time getting through school with it. (Azusa is a girl's name after all.)
Being supportive is another one of Hanai's better traits. If one of his teammates is struggling with something and he sees that, he'll try saying/doing something to help them along. Its not just him playing the role of team captain, Hanai has shown his caring-side a number of times. He tries his best to be understanding, and like a lot of the team, tries to calm Abe down when it comes to Mihashi or vice versa. Hanai claims if he'd known their pitcher back in middle school, he may  have picked on him just like everyone else, but they're in high school, so he takes a different approach. (Luckily he decided to mature so much in that year.)
Throughout the series Hanai seems to grow more and more as a character. He starts off as a brash and big-headed person, but as time goes by, he seems to learn his place and becomes a vital player for Nishiura and to his teammates.

strengths & weaknesses: 
Hanai is a strong team-captain, and his resolve to beat out Tajima helps him during games. He loves to prove himself, and the feeling of admiration I would assume, since he's set on being number one. Though he claims he could live without baseball in the beginning, this particular team has proven him wrong. High school baseball is a lot different from middle school, after all. His team is full of serious players, ones that have dreams for the future involving the sport. Now that he's giving it his all, he seems to hold a more appropriate place in his heart for baseball and the people linked to it. His brains and way of assessing difficult situations comes into play a lot, and usually helps him pull through, along with his way of being outwardly calm about things.

As for what he's afraid of, it would have to be losing, or having to be at fault for something. Like when he was forced to pick the first team Nishiura would go up against. He practically had a meltdown when he realized he'd picked the previous championship team. No one truly held a grudge against him, but he had plenty of inner-turmoil to deal with, to say the least. So pressure is probably a major weakness of his, but he seems to go under it plenty of times as captain. So he deals with it well, regardless. And his bad luck, which he seems to be in denial about.

Hanai's fatal flaw would have to be Tajima and his will to be number one. But at the same time, his flaw helps him in difficult situations. So its not exactly a bad thing. At first he was known for doing everything in his power to prove himself over Tajima, but when he realized he was sacrificing the team, he took it down a notch. Now he balances the two out, making sure he's not putting Nishiura in any danger by following through his need to be a star player again. Even so, Tajima will be hanging over his head for a while, and the will to be better than him in some way will too.

-first person-

Hey guys, thought I would start this off by clearing some things up as your captain. Things that could really use some clarification apparently since they continue to be brought up or questioned or generally misunderstood. This won't cover everything, but these were topics that stood out most to me. We can always discuss things further another time anyway.
First off, let's start with my hair, or well... lack there of at the moment. I. Am. Not. Bald. I simply choose to shave my head. Hair tends to be another thing to take care of in this world, and I don't need more responsibilities at this time. And no, I will not grow it out for any reason. Not unless I chose to do so. Can't see it happening anytime soon though. (Sorry if that disappoints someone?)
There, I said it.
Second off, being team captain does not make me the maid. Guys, have you ever heard of picking up after yourselves? I'm not just talking about leaving your trash, this includes clothes too. I was planning out our next practice game the other night with Momoe and when I came out there was at least three pairs of underwear lying around. I have a good feeling who one of them belonged to, but pointing fingers aside, guys... that's disgusting. I'm tired from a long day too, and picking up my friends' tidy-whities is not my idea of winding down. Don't think I'll keep doing it either or I may have to return the favor in some way. Don't forget, I know where you guys live.
Third off, I volunteer to those who have difficulty in the learning department and I'm happy to help. But that doesn't mean you can come by my house and throw rocks at my window during all hours of the night. thatmeansyouTajima My parents aren't thrilled about it and my sisters freak out whenever they hear it. You're lucky I cover for you and claim there's squirrels smacking into my window. So next time you realize at 3 AM that you need help with something, please at least call me or wait until a reasonable hour to seek my help in a reasonable way.
Fourth off, don't blame me for not getting all of your requests through to Momoe. We all know that the coach can be a tad hard-headed and not everything will sit well with her. Especially requests that even I find to be completely ridiculous. So yes, I do discard some ideas before her say-so. But honestly, who the hell thought attire-optional practices would strike her fancy? (I'll pretend I don't know since this person chose to remain anonymous in their last 6 letters to me.) Next time you have an idea, please think of the following: Is this something that I think Captain Hanai would be willing to ask Momoe? Is this something that would not result in said-Captain's demise if brought up? Is this something that would really benefit our team? That in mind, I'm sure you guys will do just fine.

Well, I was going to have a "fifth off" but I don't think I should bring that topic up anymore. Some things are better left unsaid...
Anyway, take all of what I've discussed here into thought, and if you still have an issue with something (even if its not an issue dealt with here), let me know.


-third person-

It was their second to last day of training camp for the summer tournament and Hanai found himself once again surrounded by his sleeping teammates, all sharing futons like the previous nights to boot. That's not the reason he was awake though. No, it was the guy laying next to him; the one with the short spiky hair and all the freckles. He continued to outdo Hanai in everything, and it was frustrating the hell out of him. Sure, he was smarter than him when it came to school, at least he thought so. But what the hell was with that observation exercise? 7.9 seconds? How was that even remotely possible? But he did score second with 18.2... That's almost an 11 second difference though. Pathetic! It resulted in him losing out on the chance to bat clean-up. That Tajima guy was just out of this world with some of the things he did. He must have cheated somehow, right? A few guys (including himself) verified that he was pointing to all the right numbers, but surely they missed something, somehow.
Hanai shifted a bit on the futon and stole a glance Tajima's way, frowning when he realized he was practically laying on him now. Why did he end up sleeping next to him, of all people? It wasn't like Tajima was a bad guy; he was tolerable enough. His endless amount of energy  would piss anyone off. But that wasn't the issue here. It just irked Hanai that he was so good at everything he did. Couldn't he screw up once? Show that he was a little human? It would sure make things easier on all the guys, not just Hanai. Oh no, all the guys were that perturbed with the Tajima-situation. Everyone was just as curious about how the hell someone could play so perfectly all the time, everyday. That was what Hanai came to believe, anyway; he wasn't the only one thinking that way.
There was a practice game coming up the next day, and the right-fielder was anxious to see if Tajima acted differently in a game-environment. Everyone's a little more on edge when there was actual competing, right? More liable to mess up.
Hania gulped at the thought, staring long and hard at the snoozing third-basemen, wondering if maybe, just maybe he'd show he was not the perfect star-player everyone made him out to be. And what the hell, he even smiled in his sleep? (Did he ever stop smiling?) What a weird guy, talking about masturbating in front of a girl. And why was he always so happy, aside from the perfection? He hadn't figured him out completely, but he was determined to work hard until he did. He allowed himself to smile a bit then, having a feeling the next day would show some fruits of his labor. He'd prove to those guys that Tajima wasn't the only star-player their team had.
His determination came to an abrupt halt when there was a bony knee suddenly ramming into his leg, practically sending him onto Mizutani. His eyes were wide as he took the sensation in, tears desperately wanting to build up behind them. It took everything he had to not jump up and yell from the throbbing pain, almost uncaring if it woke the entire house up. But, somehow he holds back, biting his lip extremely hard and glaring at the perpetrator instead.
Tajima is just the type to roll around and kick in his sleep! That energetic midget!
He gave Tajima another glare before turning his back to him and closing his eyes. He was probably the only one who wasn't getting sleep that night and he needed all the rest he could get to one-up that guy tomorrow... That in mind, he manages to stop thinking about Tajima for the time-being and focus on sleeping. Rest came easy to him after that, throbbing leg and all.
Hopefully tomorrow would work out in his favor...

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