
Feb 08, 2004 20:45

waz hood gangeros y gangeras !! im chillen yo .. its sunday boring day but my babey came so it wasnt !! of course he got here by metro <33 hehe and when he got here .. he scared the living shyt outta me .. cuz he poped outta no where !! and kissed me on my cheek .. i jumped .. ';x pussy yeah i know lol .. but let me go bakk to friday .. hmm i didnt go to school , i can tell you that much . my momma didnt want me to go with the whole shyt that happened on tue. ';/ R.I.P southwoods angel JAIME GOUGH .. so i stayed helping my momma dukes.clean the kkrib and fix up cuz she was gonna get her new bed set and shyt..so w.e she dipped to go pick up cousin . then my lil sista + lil bro from school and go get our car from the auto place in hia .. i asked if she would pikk up my babey ..!! she did ahh i was soo happyers hehe .. she had to also pikk up my sistas lil home grl from her kkrib to sleep over cuz the next day was my lil sistas b-day party /sleepover so yeah ..i just chilled w. my babey @ the kkrib . then saturday .. i woke up and started cleaning for the party . ha i did a good job ! yayy for me ! ROFL but yeah so w.e the party went down and yeah it was a skr8 lil sponge bob party ';) and yeah w.e im out h o l l a

nana loves jaxx
since ; 11.26.03

oh and i forgot to tell you..hmm i got myself a lil stalker yo! its kuute ass shyt nigga on the real.. poor home boy that fell for me and not someone he thought he knew!! he said he liked me but not no more since you know the bitch was lying ';/ pobresito but yeah .. heres a lil convo between them two.. he tried to make her tell the truth but she didnt wanna give in and say she was fakke .. smh dumb ass sorry female .. ha and 18 yrs of age jogging a 14 yr old shawty`s piks tisk tisk like my dorki said .. ha i must be her idol bwahah guess so so yeah um here it goes

K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:23 PM]: hi babiii
Nana lOvez sean [6:23 PM]: hi babe
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:23 PM]: waz up
Nana lOvez sean [6:24 PM]: chillen n u
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:24 PM]: chillin
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:24 PM]: so wat u been up 2
Nana lOvez sean [6:25 PM]: nanda
Nana lOvez sean [6:25 PM]: chillen
Nana lOvez sean [6:25 PM]: just got home
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:25 PM]: oh realllii
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:26 PM]: mizz me
Nana lOvez sean [6:26 PM]: yeah
Nana lOvez sean [6:26 PM]: a lot
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:26 PM]: aww
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:26 PM]: u love me
Nana lOvez sean [6:27 PM]: yeah i love u babey
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:27 PM]: how much
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:28 PM]: ?
Nana lOvez sean [6:29 PM]: < -------------------------- > this much
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:29 PM]: aww
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:29 PM]: so y u lie 2 me if u love me
Nana lOvez sean [6:30 PM]: when i lie to u
Nana lOvez sean [6:30 PM]: ?
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:30 PM]: since da first day
Nana lOvez sean [6:30 PM]: hOw
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:30 PM]: cuz those r not ur picz
Nana lOvez sean [6:30 PM]: yeah they are
Nana lOvez sean [6:30 PM]: wtf
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:30 PM]: oh so u 14
Nana lOvez sean [6:31 PM]: nah
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:31 PM]: an u got a man
Nana lOvez sean [6:31 PM]: nah
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:31 PM]: name jaxx
Nana lOvez sean [6:31 PM]: nah not no more
Nana lOvez sean [6:31 PM]: thatz old shyt
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:31 PM]: not no more
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:31 PM]: ohh
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:31 PM]: an ur name iz natali
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:32 PM]: lmao
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:32 PM]: plzz stop ur game
Nana lOvez sean [6:32 PM]: wat qame
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:32 PM]: tell me da truthz
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:32 PM]: datz all i want
Nana lOvez sean [6:32 PM]: wat u mena
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:32 PM]: Photo: lil bro looking kkrazy .. and me | dat ill nana (( old flikkz )) album | whOoa litO mamaa | Fotki.com
Nana lOvez sean [6:33 PM]: ok
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:33 PM]: dahm ..
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:33 PM]: so i was talkin 2 a ghost
Nana lOvez sean [6:34 PM]: wtf u mean a qhost
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:34 PM]: tell me who u realli r
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:34 PM]: plzz
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:34 PM]: datz not u
Nana lOvez sean [6:34 PM]: ok so nena ur qiirl rite
Nana lOvez sean [6:35 PM]: ?
Nana lOvez sean [6:35 PM]: yeah
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:35 PM]: no
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:35 PM]: datz not da point
Nana lOvez sean [6:35 PM]: nenaz ur qirl riite
Nana lOvez sean [6:35 PM]: ok well u thiink im fake riite
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:35 PM]: i just want u 2 tell me da truthz
Nana lOvez sean [6:36 PM]: i am
Nana lOvez sean [6:36 PM]: n u wanna kno what eles iz da truth
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:36 PM]: wa
Nana lOvez sean [6:36 PM]: u a fake asz niqqa
Nana lOvez sean [6:36 PM]: look qo im nena
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:37 PM]: dumb ass nena iz mii cuzin
Nana lOvez sean [6:37 PM]: im out your liife
Nana lOvez sean [6:37 PM]: sure i bet nenaz ur cuziin
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:37 PM]: dat was a decoy
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:37 PM]: 2 get u
Nana lOvez sean [6:37 PM]: suRe
Nana lOvez sean [6:37 PM]: i beT
Nana lOvez sean [6:37 PM]: well have fun with ur ` cuzin '
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:38 PM]: i just
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:38 PM]: want u 2 tell me da truthz
Nana lOvez sean [6:38 PM]: i am
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:38 PM]: plzz
Nana lOvez sean [6:38 PM]: i am
Nana lOvez sean [6:38 PM]: well look sean siince u iz wiith nena imma let u qO be4 she qetzs madd that im talkinq to her man
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:38 PM]: u want 2 talk 2 her
Nana lOvez sean [6:39 PM]: imma delete this snn niice knowinq u
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:39 PM]: Chat 15734111532824921063
Nana lOvez sean [6:39 PM]: nOpe im qOod
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:39 PM]: goo
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:39 PM]: thurr
Nana lOvez sean [6:39 PM]: nOpe
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:39 PM]: i love u
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:39 PM]: i dunt care how u look
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:39 PM]: Chat 15734111532824921063
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:40 PM]: plzz dunt hurt me
Nana lOvez sean [6:40 PM]: im hurtin u
Nana lOvez sean [6:40 PM]: how da fuk
Nana lOvez sean [6:40 PM]: u da one with a qiirl
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:40 PM]: datz mii cuz
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:40 PM]: she would tell u
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:40 PM]: Chat 15734111532824921063
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:40 PM]: go there
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:40 PM]: she on
Nana lOvez sean [6:40 PM]: im qOod
Nana lOvez sean [6:41 PM]: lOok qo be wiith her
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:41 PM]: lol she mii cuz
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:41 PM]: but plzz tell me da tru
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:42 PM]: cuz i neva lie 2 u
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:43 PM]: come on
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:43 PM]: plzzz
Nana lOvez sean [6:44 PM]: hold up
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:44 PM]: no
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:44 PM]: talk 2 me
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:44 PM]: y u lie 2 me
Nana lOvez sean [6:44 PM]: i aint lie
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:44 PM]: yez u did
Nana lOvez sean [6:44 PM]: nOpe
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:44 PM]: cuz i was talkin 2 da reel nana
Nana lOvez sean [6:45 PM]: sure
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:45 PM]: shiit

K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:45 PM]: on da reel
Nana lOvez sean [6:45 PM]: ok kool
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:45 PM]: pllzz tell me
Nana lOvez sean [6:45 PM]: now go talk to nena
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:46 PM]: nena i mii cuz
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:46 PM]: iz mi cuz
Nana lOvez sean [6:46 PM]: i bet
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:46 PM]: plzz
Nana lOvez sean [6:47 PM]: plzz wat
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:47 PM]: dunt lie 2 me
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:47 PM]: tell me who u realli r
Nana lOvez sean [6:48 PM]: lOl
Nana lOvez sean [6:48 PM]: why iz she imin me
Nana lOvez sean [6:48 PM]: ?
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:48 PM]: cuz u dunt b leave me
Nana lOvez sean [6:49 PM]: ok n u thiink imma belivee u
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:49 PM]: Ok dunt
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:49 PM]: but plzz tell me da truthz
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:49 PM]: stop playin wit my feelinz
Nana lOvez sean [6:50 PM]: ur feelinq
Nana lOvez sean [6:50 PM]: im playin with dem
Nana lOvez sean [6:50 PM]: ?
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:50 PM]: yea
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:50 PM]: cuz u not dat person in da picz
Nana lOvez sean [6:50 PM]: lmaO
Nana lOvez sean [6:50 PM]: ok
Nana lOvez sean [6:50 PM]: let me fix my profiile
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:51 PM]: tell me who u r
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:51 PM]: an i promise u nuttin iz goin 2 happen
Nana lOvez sean [6:51 PM]: lmaO
Nana lOvez sean [6:51 PM]: nothinq gonna happen
Nana lOvez sean [6:51 PM]: hehehe
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:52 PM]: y u playin wit me
Nana lOvez sean [6:52 PM]: how im playin with u
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:53 PM]: u not dat person in those fuqin picz
Nana lOvez sean [6:53 PM]: finished
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:54 PM]: stopp plzz it hurtz
Nana lOvez sean [6:54 PM]: wat hurtz
Nana lOvez sean [6:54 PM]: ?
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:55 PM]: u made me cry
Nana lOvez sean [6:55 PM]: how i made u cry
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:55 PM]: cuz wen they told me dat
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:56 PM]: dat u not her
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:56 PM]: i felt like shitt
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:56 PM]: how would u feel if i did dat 2 u
Nana lOvez sean [6:56 PM]: hmm i wouldnt care
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:57 PM]: even tho i felt in love wit u
Nana lOvez sean [6:57 PM]: i wouldnt care
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:57 PM]: oh so u was playin wit me
Nana lOvez sean [6:57 PM]: n0pe i love u
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:58 PM]: so tell me da truthz
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:58 PM]: cuz i love u 2
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:59 PM]: i told u i dunt care how u look
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [6:59 PM]: pllzzzzzzz......
Nana lOvez sean [7:00 PM]: ok
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [7:00 PM]: tell me who u r
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [7:00 PM]: realliii
Nana lOvez sean [7:00 PM]: i told u im stephane
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [7:00 PM]: ok
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [7:00 PM]: so who da gurl in da picz
Nana lOvez sean [7:01 PM]: lOl
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [7:01 PM]: iz not funnii
Nana lOvez sean [7:02 PM]: i only got one thinq to say to u
Nana lOvez sean [7:02 PM]: before i go
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [7:03 PM]: wa
Nana lOvez sean [7:03 PM]: itz alittO lonq
Nana lOvez sean [7:04 PM]: but read it
Nana lOvez sean [7:04 PM]: itz true
K iBaBybOyWOnDa2 [7:04 PM]: wa
Nana lOvez sean signed off at 7:06 PM


oh me and mamii

Mz banqiin mamii [8:35 PM]: hi nana ;D
mz naniita [8:36 PM]: wassup
Mz banqiin mamii [8:36 PM]: chillen
Mz banqiin mamii [8:36 PM]: n youz
mz naniita [8:36 PM]: same watching the grammys
Mz banqiin mamii [8:36 PM]: wat u did this weekend
mz naniita [8:37 PM]: hmm friday .. my man came over..saturday .. was my lil sistas b-day party .. of course my babey came .. he was suppose to sleep over w. his lil sista..
mz naniita [8:38 PM]: then today he took the metro over here
mz naniita [8:38 PM]: and yeah he just left
Mz banqiin mamii [8:38 PM]: awwz
Mz banqiin mamii [8:38 PM]: ;D
mz naniita [8:38 PM]: yuppers

Mz banqiin mamii [8:38 PM]: debOw wantz to kno where u stay cause she wantz to stop by one day
mz naniita [8:38 PM]: hmm
Mz banqiin mamii [8:38 PM]: she said to tell u cause u neva on when she iz
mz naniita [8:38 PM]: oh aight
mz naniita [8:39 PM]: tell her to come on tomorrow
mz naniita [8:39 PM]: imma be on
Mz banqiin mamii [8:39 PM]: kk
Mz banqiin mamii [8:39 PM]: well mama imma go call nano
Mz banqiin mamii [8:39 PM]: ;/
mz naniita [8:39 PM]: wtf
mz naniita [8:39 PM]: for
mz naniita [8:39 PM]: lol
Mz banqiin mamii [8:39 PM]: we just friendz now
Mz banqiin mamii [8:39 PM]: i told hiim
mz naniita [8:39 PM]: blah
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: but he tries to get back
mz naniita [8:40 PM]: fukk that trikkn ass nigga
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: but i say no
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: lmaO
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: i love u nana
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: ill never find another like u
mz naniita [8:40 PM]: ';]
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: ;D
mz naniita [8:40 PM]: haha
mz naniita [8:40 PM]: <33
mz naniita [8:40 PM]: aight yo
mz naniita [8:40 PM]: be safe
mz naniita [8:40 PM]: and tell that nigga i say fukk you
mz naniita [8:40 PM]: and i know his game
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: iiqhtz mama you tew ;D
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: lmaO
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: kk
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: <3
Mz banqiin mamii [8:40 PM]: 1
mz naniita [8:40 PM]: aight pz
Mz banqiin mamii signed off at 8:41 PM
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