(no subject)

Nov 13, 2007 20:19

69 Questions Guaranteed You've Never Answered. - apparently...I bet you have.

1. Would you bang your neighbor?
Not anymore

2. What describes your relationship status?
With who?

3. Where are you?

4. What's the last movie you've seen?
Courage Under Fire

5. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is...
I grabbed my brother's GF's hand so she wouldn't get lost or something when we were in King's Cross

6. What is your favorite animal?

7. Who have you talked to most today?

8. Do you carve pumpkins every year?
I stabbed one once, before I realised how hard they are raw - then gave up.

9. Color of your underwear?
Different ones

10. Color of your shirt?

11. I'm always...
Thinking of motor racing

12. Who's on speed dial 2? 4? 6?
No one

13. Honestly, how many people do you have feelings for?
I don't know if I have feelings for anyone. I learned to turn my emotions off - I'm not yet convinced they're worth it.

14. Whats your favorite season?

15. Good advice if you ever go camping?
Keep things clean. The cleanup process at home is a bitch.

16. Are you a bad influence?
If you romanticise. I was told I was role model once. Wasn't quite sure how to take it.

17.rather have your name or your siblings name?
Hell no. I was nearly named Joaquin...

19. Would you do anything for someone else?
My family/friends - just about.

20. Have you ever been called a bitch?

21. Have you ever been called a slut?

22. What is your ringtone?
F1 engine exiting pitlane

24. Are your grades good?
Not always. It's a firm belief that I've not reached my potential. But until I return for a Masters or some such, that's irrelevant to me now.

25. Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out?
They make a voluntary, calculated decision to read it, so it's not my problem if they do.

26. Does your best friend have a myspace?
I don't have a best friend

27. Whose page did you visit last?

28. Last time you went out to lunch?

30. Who is your favorite character from Friends?
Joey was about the funniest

31. Do you have a tattoo?

32. Do you want one/another one?

33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears CD?

34. What did you do last night?
Ate, watched Californication, slept

35. Are you a Lost fanatic?
Fuck no.

36. What's your name spelled backwards?
Nosaj, oen

37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?
I think so...

38.iPod or Zune?
Neither - I want my PDA

39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?

40. King of the Hill?

41. Do you read trashy romance novels often?

42. What's the last thing you bought?

43. What's the last thing someone bought you?
Mum bought me a tie pin - understated practicality.

44. Do you ever sing obnoxiously in the shower?

45. What's in your CD player right now?
CD-ROM's empty.

46. What's your favorite movie?
Possibly Pirates, if not the Matrix, failing that - Bad Boys

47. Another favorite movie?
Interview with the Vampire, or The Crow - that theme makes me cry

48. Do you believe everyone has a soulmate?
So I keep getting told

49. Can you sing?

50. Do you play any instruments?
Trying to pick up guitar again

51. Have you ever been to another country?

53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
I have been known to.

54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa?

55. Do you know how to knit?

56. Do you have a job?

57. What one song would describe you right now?

58. What are you doing right now besides this survey?
Falling asleep

60. Baskin Robbins or Cold Stone?
Isn't it Cold Rock?

61. Physics or chemistry?

62. Facebook or Myspace?

64. R-rated or G-rated movies?

66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars?
The latter 2.

67. Fly or road trip?
Road trip

68. Batman, Spiderman, or Superman?

69. What's your favorite Disney classic movie?
I liked Lion King when I was about 6 or something, and Aladdin when animation was still relatively simple.

1) Fifth grade teacher's name:
I had about 8

2) Last words you said:

3) Last song you sang:
Something by Three Days Grace

4) Last person you hugged:
Can't remember

5) Last time you cried?
About 2yrs ago

6) Last time you said I don't remember:
I've learned not to say that

7) Last person you had a fight with:
Possibly dad

8) Are you still fighting with them:
Surprisingly...it's been civil

9) What color socks are you wearing:

10) What's under you bed right now:
Coca-cola vinyl flag

11) What time did you wake up today:

12) Current taste:
Some herbal thing mum boiled - apparently it's good for my eyes...

13)Current hair color?
Dark brown

14) Current favorite band:
The 22nd of October rejuvenated my love for LP, but Three Days Grace is in the running

15) Current annoyance:
Users, and my neighbour parking his fucking BMW in my spot - when I say my spot, neither of us has the right to park there, but I was parking there for 6 years before he came along.

16) Current longing to see?
I technically should long to see someone shouldn't I?

17) Current desktop background?
Kimi Raikkonen behind the wheel of the McLaren Mercedes MP4-18B in Turkey

18) Current worry:
None. I'm remarkably calm

19) Current Mood:

20) Current favorite article of clothing:
Toss up between my pants - studded leather belt finally fits me/Faith

21) Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex:
Eyes - for attention
Smile - for care

22) Last CD that you listened to:
Shortbus OST

23) Favorite place to be:
Driver's seat.

24) Least favorite place to be:

25) Time you wake up in the morning?

26) Time you get home from school?:
Used to be about 3:30

27) Favorite color:

28) Do you believe in an afterlife:
I think it's a possibility, but that doesn't make me spiritual

29) Do you believe in God?:
Not really, but something saved my family's life about 15 years ago, and it wasn't ABS, TCS, or Italian engineering

30) Current favorite word/saying:
"Remarkable", "Savvy?", PEBKAC, FUBAR, WTF

31) Favorite book:
Interview with the Vampire was the last book I could read repeatedly

32) Favorite season:

33) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to:
I don't wish to talk to anyone in my past

34) Have you ever wanted to sleep with "just a friend"?

35) Where do you want to go for college?:
After USC, I'm interested to know just what UQ/QUT is like

36) What is your career going to be like?:
Bright hopefully.

37) How many kids do you want:
2 max


38) Been really really drunk?:

39) Said "I love you" and meant it?

40) Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird.etc?:

41) Been to New York:

42)Been to Florida:

43) Been to California:

44) Been to Hawaii:

45) Been to Mexico:

46)Been to China:

47) Been to France:

48) Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day:
Not really

49) Have you ever made out with anyone who didn't speak ANY english:

50) do u have a crush on someone?
Not actively

54) Worst feeling in the world:
I used to think rejection and/or betrayal, but after school, anyone who doesn't take me for who/what I am can get fucked.

55) What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?

56) How many rings before you answer the phone:
However many it takes me to get to it.

59) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:

68) What are you most scared of?:
I try to be fearless. But I do avoid confrontation if possible.

69) What clothes do you sleep in?:
PJ bottoms. Shirt always gets twisted up

70) Who is the last person that called you:
One of a shitload of users with some technical problem

71) Where do you want to get married?:
There isn't really a place symbolic enough yet

72) If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?
I would prefer deeper set eyes, or a shaper nose bridge - for my eyes/glasses

73) Who do you love?:
My family and my friends

74) Been in love:

75) Are you timely or always late:
For work - almost always timely, socially - 'fashionably late' is what the cool kids call it

76) Do you have pets?
Not anymore

77) Do you like being around people?
Even when I'm around people, I have a tendency to shut down

78) Best feeling in the world?:

79) Are you for world peace:
This planet couldn't sustain world peace

80) Are you a health freak:
Hell no, but I do look after myself

81) Do you have a "type" of person you always go for?:
They can fucken well go for me...

84) Ever afraid you'll never get married?:

85) Do you want to get married?

86) Do you want kids?:


87) Cried:

88) Bought anything:

89) Gotten Sick:

90) Sang:

91) Said "I love you":

92) Wanted to tell someone you liked them:

93) Met someone?

94) Danced with someone:

95)Talked to someone:
Can't help it

96)Had a serious talk:

97) Missed someone:

98) Hugged someone:

99) Yelled at someone:

100) dreamed about someone u cant be with?
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