
Dec 07, 2016 13:08

Data mining is happening all around us. Use a cell phone? Every call is logged and your location is tracked. Got an Android phone? Google is tracking you. Every purchase you make with a check, ATM card or credit card is tracked in real time. Video is everywhere. Licence plate readers are on most police cars. They can read plate numbers at 60 mph or faster. Your emails are tracked. Everything you look at online is tracked. I clean tracking cookies from my computer every other day. On average I find 20 or more each time. Ever wonder why some advertising seems to follow you? You've been profiled. Do you realize that facial recognition software is being used everywhere? Every search you make is part of that profiling. Government does it. Credit agencies do it. Stores do it. Even theives do it. Identity theft allows thieves to become you. Profiling can be used to blackmail you. Profiling can be used to frame you. Profiling and data mining can be used to destroy you.

An example. As I was stopped at an immigration checkpoint they brought out the drug dig to inspect my truck. I asked why. The young officer said it was because my truck was registered in an area known for drugs. After I objected they called off the dog. I spoke to the supervisor who said the young officer had not Saud what he said. He said that was not why. He said it was my appearance that triggered the response ( I had a full beard and long hair at the time). He did admit they had ran my licence plate as i drove up.

Remember. You are being watched. You are being profiled. Know your rights. If you have a dash cam use it.
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