Absentee blog entry

Jun 25, 2012 20:40

I'm choosing to write about commonplaces tonight. My political rants are good for decompression, but I'm starting to feel like they're taking over. If there's any sort of good fortune coming my way, November will come and go and I can be happy with the result, and then forget about politics for another couple of years.

My hunny and I went to visit her son over the weekend up in Vacaville. He and his fiancée, and my hunny and I, all holed up in a hotel, slept in for a couple of mornings, overindulged at a couple of restaurants, took in a movie (Brave), got the cook's tour of her son's workplace, and generally enjoyed everyone's company. I think everyone needed the time away just to decompress from what typically happens during the "normal" week.

Last weekend was also Field Day. I brought along the little HF radio I've inherited, along with the long-wire antenna I built for it (an off-center-fed dipole, for those keeping score), and set it up in the hotel room Saturday night. Alas, no contacts made at all, even though I did hear quite a few stations, including one from Alaska and another from Minnesota. Not too shabby for a long piece of wire strung around the inside of a hotel room. But when the radio only puts out a watt and a half, responding to those calls becomes...problematic. Oh well, there's always next year, and maybe a slightly more powerful radio. Even if it's a club radio, and I'm operating at the club station. It's still good training, and it's still fun.

I'm doing some contract software testing. It won't take long, but even a couple of hours will pay more than I've earned in over a year. I also did another transcription test this morning, which didn't take very long. No work coming from that quarter at the moment, but that may have something to do with the main office being on the opposite coast, and "rush" jobs go to the first contractors who respond to the call. By the time I'm up and out of bed, they've been snapped up.

I had an interview for a company that does construction-materials delivery last week. I hope to hear back from them by Friday. After I finish the software testing tomorrow, I'll have to see if there's more work coming down the pipeline from that quadrant. If not...I may have to seriously consider going back on the road. I really, really don't want to, but it did provide income enough to keep at least abreast of the bills.

Not much else needs to be said right now, so I'll stop.


road trip, work, ham radio, life

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