Chewing slowly so it seems like more

Aug 24, 2011 19:45

Wednesdays are falling into a pattern for with the District Emergency Coordinator for the county, along with the city Emergency Coordinator (my own title is Assistant Emergency Coordinator...yay?), swing by the Office of Emergency Services and talk to the Emergency Planning Specialist for a bit, then go to one of the ARES served agencies to test equipment and update paperwork. And then go to lunch. As the AEC, my job is primarily to do the programming on the radios. I have a couple of documents to prepare for the DEC in the next day or two, so I'll be knocking that out in the morning. That'll give the team a better idea of what's already set up, and what needs to be set up. I have a couple of ideas I'd like to develop, but it'll require more than just the three of us brainstorming to get it implemented county-wide.

Something else I need to take care of is a position announcement I was sent this afternoon. I need to get a résumé and cover letter together and sent off either this evening or first thing in the morning (with the return of my headache, it'll likely be the morning). Part-time, $8-10 an hour, with a chance of going full time after 90 days, but it's work I know I can do, and more importantly, it's work. Gainful employment is something to be diligently sought.

I'm keeping an eye on Hurricane Irene, as well as the ongoing drama of the two earthquakes from yesterday (yes, there WERE two in the United States, but nobody seems to be talking much about the one in Colorado). I have good friends along the eastern seaboard, and I'm hoping they don't catch too much of a strike from the hurricane. The track seems to have shifted more to the right over the last few days, so maybe it'll stay at sea long enough to lose a bunch of energy before it does make landfall anywhere. Time will tell.

My hunny is in the office pool for the Lotto. Their "usual procedure" is if they get some winning lines, but not enough to give everyone a significant return on their ticket purchases, they roll the winnings into buying lines for the next drawing. They have eighty-one lines for tonight's drawing. I haven't looked at the jackpot, but somewhere in those 81 lines, there should be a good's the law of averages, y'know.

With that, I think I've sucked enough of your time for one night. Hasta luego.


job search, weather, ham radio, life

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