WARNING: This journal is ridiculously long, reading the whole thing may cause perminant brain damage

Oct 21, 2004 16:06

This is a well deserved update that has been put off for too long, so here it goes, But instead of just giving you an account of my weekend, I think I'll let the creative juices flow by listing the people that were apart of my weekend and from each individual account you can piece together why this weekend was one to remember.

David Cintron - One crazy cat from Texas!! Since his home is so far away, Paul and I adopted him for the weekend. Although sometimes it sounds like I complain about David's antics, I don't know what I would do without them!! His excitement about going to ATL juts got me that much more excited. He's such a cool kid. When we arrived at my living facility on Wed. David needed internet, so he took the necessary steps in setting up my house with a wireless router that has been in my house but not set up, this brought true jot into David's heart! At midnight we went to Waffle House and David ordered none other than the Texas Bacon Egg and Cheese Plate which gave him a little taste of home. On Friday we went thrifting at two different establishments and David bought lots of collared shirts. On Sat. the long awaited event on David meeting Jessica finally happened. Sat. night we spent the night at my dad's house where David ripped all three star wars movies on to his Mac. This came in handy when I got bored/sleepy on the drive home so we watched "the Empire Strikes Back", David and I, in the front seat of my car until we reached the great Nashvegas!! David is such a cool kid, I'm glad he's here!! He keeps me on my toes and wakes me up for breakfast. Thanks Davey!!

Cameron Cleland - Cameron was also adopted for fall break. He calls Orange County California home, so instead of leaving him at BU, I showed him ATL!! This guy is nucka crazy!!! Plus, he used to be really into hardcore and I have kind of relit that flame and we have proceeded to start a melodic/experimental hardcore band called Better Then Yesterday. Just wait until we break out, it's going to be epic. But back to fall break, Cam was awesome to have around. He woke David and I up at 11:30 on Thurs. morning just to make sure we didn't waste the day away. then we raided my fridge where we found cheese, eggs, and ham. So with Cam having two years of home ec. under his belt, he made us all omelets. Then I showed him the go kart, he thoroughly enjoyed it to say the least. I love that guy!!! Without him I wouldn't know the art that is going ape!!!

Jonathan Hillyard - I didn't get to see much of this guy, but of what I did see was great. He joined us at Wa Ho Wed. night, and also supported me by being a second college kid to visit all the band kids at Rexall Fri. morning at 6:15 a.m. (yeah, that's the right time, Insanity I know. What were we thinking in High School!!) He still has the big brother image to me, no matter how long it has been since we've talked or seen each other, we can always pick things right back up, as if no time in between.

Paul Williams - I didn’t get to see much of this kid this weekend besides passing Cameron and David back and forth, but I have a confession. I kind of did him a little wrong this weekend and I wanted to publicly apologize. (So I’m sorry bud) Paul is the one of the coolest guys I know. I feel comfortable telling him anything. God has given me such a gift by aking him such a big part of my life. I love that guy!!

Christopher Michael Richards - there's a character if I've ever seen one!! there are very few people that could convince me to wake up long before daylight to go to breakfast, but he's one of them. Being away from him makes me realize how cool that kid actually is, and despite prior beliefs, I miss him!! He really is a cool kid, and he gets cooler each day. It was awesome just to be there and be able to take him to breakfast, and more importantly, be there to show my support at the band competition on Sat. He's so talented and so rockin'. I couldn't have gotten a cooler little brother. I pray each day that God uses him and he sees the potential he has to further God's kingdom!

My Dad - We crashed at the old man’s place on Sat. night. He is really cool. I love the old fart. He is really open to letting me be on my own and spreading my wings and even though I don’t get to see him that often, he knows that I love him and whenever I get a chance I’ll go by his place. Anyways, we ate Moe’s (wow I’ve missed that place) before we headed to his house. Once we got there, we finished watching the tail end of Aliens 4with him, watched the beginning of Weekend at Bernie’s (classic!! Anyone who hasn’t seen this movie should, really good 80’s comedy!!) then watched the bonus disc of the Star Wars Trilogy. The next morning I took the guys to church with me and I was supposed to have lunch with dad but he felt sick, so I wound up going to Chili’s with church people. It was really good to see all of them so I can’t complain.

Jessica Rosenkoetter - The best girlfriend ever!!! I had missed her so much, so the first chance I got to take off to Athens I did. It was on Thurs. night. I wanted to stay the whole night there, but with the guys being back at my place in Duluth and having to take my brother to breakfast the next morning, I had to settle for just dinner. But this was no ordinary dinner, it was dinner with Jess. Man I miss those, just being able to take her out to eat, hold her hand, look into her eyes across the table, listen to her awesome funny stories, just a few hours of that. Anyways, dinner was amazing just in the fact that she was there. I headed back to D-town hanging on the thought that I would be with her Fri. night. So I went to Athens Fri. night and long story short, Jess was in the homecoming parade on the Rodeo Club float, so I went to chill at Danes until she was done parading. (Ridiculous I know, that’s why I love being with her) We headed to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant that I had two sets of directions to, and thanks to my amazing sense of directions, I made up my own way to get there that got us there in the shortest amount of time. I walked in the door and she immediately got up and ran to hug me. I love that, it’s by Fr the best feeling ever. Dinner was cool, made up of Katie, Hase, and Julie. After dinner we went and rescued Sara Fry from being all by herself downtown. We wandered around for a long time, decided to see some bands play at Tasty World, but it wasn’t going to start for a while, so we went and chilled in a coffee shop for a while where those kids caught up on a lot. Ten we headed to the show. Live Music with Jess right next to me, can it get any better? I SUBMIT THAT IT CAN NOT!!! Not to mention the second band was a mid-life crisis band, all of them no younger than thirty, with a butt-load of talent!! It was great to say the least. After the show we headed back to Julie’s for a while for some non-sense as always. I said my goodnight because it was getting late and I needed to get back to Dane’s, but it felt amazing to tell her, “I’ll see you tomorrow!” Sat. morning went and picked up Jess and Sara for breakfast at IHOP, dropped of Sara, and began the trek back to Duluth where we would pick up David and Cameron then head to the Collins Hill Marching Band Competition. I really wanted to go to support little man, but it was also was cool to let Jess, not to mention David, what the four years of my high school career was devoted to. It was a lot for them to take in, but it meant a lot to me so it was good. Then I took Jess back to Athens. Just driving with her next to me gives me a feeling indescribable by words. Took her to get her car and said the g-word (goodbye) a little bit tougher this time but I would still see her tomorrow so it was cool. Just another reason she’s the best, she drove to Duluth on Sun. after church to say bye to me!! I rally can’t describe the feeling I get when I’m with her!! It’s so amazing that the creator of the universe, the God who knows all of our hearts, brought this girl into my life and through her changed me for the better forever. She rocks my freaking sox off!!! Looking at all the driving the two of us did combined, it’s easy to see God knew what he was doing putting us 5 hours apart, any closer and we’d both be broke from gas money!! I could go on and on about her as most of you know, but this entry is already beyond ridiculously long so I got to wrap it up. She’s AMAZING!!!

And last but not least . . .

My Mom - Agreed upon by my friends, quite possibly the coolest mom ever!!! It was so good to see her, she does so much for me and the least I can to is spend some time with her and do some things she needs done to let her know how much I love her. She was so cool and flexible with the guys staying with us, yeah she rocks what can I say. And as if that wasn’t enough she bought me some things (more than enough) I need back at school. I LOVE HER SOOOOOOO MUCH, she helped me to be who I am today and does nothing but support my dreams and ideas no matter how ridiculous. I miss her a lot and can’t thank her enough for what she does!!

(Big breath out) There done. HAHAHA that is so long. If you read this whole thing that I ridiculous!! I wish that on no one. It took me until today (the Thursday after my weekend) to finish. Got back to school, did the class thing, almost died in a tornado and went mud sliding, so that’s it. Until next entry . . .

Trying to Understand Him and All His Wonders,
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