Sep 07, 2006 00:20
There's times that I get absolutely sick of myself. A complete mess of sinfulness (selfishness, sexual immorality, pride, lust, envy). But in the midst of all that, I take a min to quite my flesh full of guilt and begin to see how beautifully AMAZING God's grace really is.
Grace is the hardest lesson learned, a lyric I have sang over and over and now my life is playing that truth out before my very eyes. I desire focus. I desire dicipline. I desire to hear God's calling and not move until He says so. I desire to know a TRUE JOY that comes in knowing Him that prevails through anything this world trys to drown us with. I want to consider everything loss compared to knowing Jesus Christ. I just want to know Him.
I fell like I've really lost focus lately. Focus on why I do anything, on why I even breathe. why I get up and go for some 15 hours ten go to bed to wake up and do it all over again with some different variables thrown in. The absolute truth is that I was created for glory, the part I find myself forgetting though is that I' created for God's glory not my own. When I find myslef having that skewed view I find the base for all my struggles and sin. I think I deserve it or I earned it when in reality I earn death, physically and spiritually.
It makes me want to vomit when I fell like I did something to further the kingdom of God but then I search my own heart to find that whatever action I just did was really to promote my own well being. That makes me sick, I begin to wonder if I will ever know true selflessness and giving myself for others and the cause of Christ instead of myslef.
Lord grant me a focus, give me a passion to pursue You and your Glory. Father I'm sorry for ever thinking it's about me. May it be written on my heart that it's about you and may I find joy in serving You with my light. Give me decernement, bless me with wisdom and understanding. Grant my the Grace to even come close to resembling something of a Christ Light. May you be the reason for all I do, may I pursue your glory and not my own.
Please let these be more than just words. May they come to be played out in my life.
Living in a Grace not yet Understood,