I want to share a story about me and my friends in college, but I think I can't write it all in english. My english is bad I thought >< ;
the point is, I used to hate some of my classmate, coz they think me and my friends are totally freak. I know that we are a little bit freak about japan. But, I don't think that they have to insulting us like that.
hey, what's ur problem?? If u didn't like dorama, japanese music or else it's totally fine with me~
we can appreciate ur hobbies or something u like, so, please appreciate our hobbies too~
when u said "hey, otaku is coming."
I'm fine with that setence, but there's one of my friend who felt very disturb coz of ur setence. She doesn't like to be called "otaku" by someone who doesn't have any sense about japan.
we're all in japanese language class, so, why don't u try to watch some dorama or listening japanese music to increase ur japanese language.
around 2 or 1 month ago~
me and 5 of my friends decided to make a fanfic, just for 6 of us ^^
we can insert 2 person that we love the most~
so I decided to insert Keiichiro Koyama from NEWS and Sunako Nakahara from 'Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi henge'.
[actually it doesn't have any related with my story XD] *got kicked*
and this fanfiction is still continue....
we have to wrote 6 pages in 3 days, and then after 6 pages is done, it will continue by the other. It'll be a circle.
somehow, she [one of the person who didn't like us] heard when 3 of my friends is talking about the fic. and then she told that she is good in making fanfiction, so she borrowed around 10 pages of our fic and told to my friends that she'll read it, and she want to join us.
of course it make my friends confused of her act.
they think she definetely can't stay long in our 'world'
1 week after that, she didn't finished to read the fic...
so, one of my friend asked her to restore the fic.
but she said " I'll wrote it in 3 days, so, I can join ur fic, right?"
how can she wrote the fic? in fact, she doesn't know all of character that we insert in this fic.
and she haven't finished to read 10 pages, actually our fic is about 100 pages or more.
we're really doesn't know what it is behind.....
maybe she and her friends has made some plan?
like I said before, It's fine with me if she want to insult that fic with the others. But I can't forgive u if u broke the fic!!!
all of us made it with agony. we did it in 3 days as a promise, even there is an exam.
Huahhhhh~ capek ya nulis pake eigo XXD
akhirnya gw nulis pake indonesia go juga ujung2nya >.<
pertama-tama gw knalin dulu kali yak temen2 gw XD
1. zha --> temen gw berforum juga niy, anaknya rada maruk gitu klo soal cowok, semuanya diembat - -; lebay amat sangat, kadang suka sok imut....yah pokoknya demennya yg girly2 gitu de [walopun tetep demen bola]. di fanfic ini dia masukin 2 orang, yaitu Kato Shigeaki dan Yuya Tegoshi, [NEWS]
2. Zu --> pecicilan n gak bisa diem, n preman abis. klo nyubit sakit bangettttt~ suka seenaknya sendiri gitu. ni anak yg paling ngerasa gak enak klo diomongin. rada sensitip de kayaknya. tapi dia juga sering di ijime ama kita ber-5 XD di fanfic dia masukin Tanaka Koki [KATTUN] sama Hanamichi Sakuragi-nya 'Slamdunk'.
3. Saa-chan --> autis tak tertandingi XXD kadang2 bener2 kayak anak down syndrom gitu XD. gw inget dia pernah nulis di kertas waktu lagi ada kelas 'ilmu budaya' dia nulisnya "salep => obat penghilang gatal " *ngakak* gag ngerti deh maksudnya tu anak apaan XXD. kadang, bukan kadang sih.......sering banget dia bengong trus senyum2 sendiri.....gag jelas banget - -; di fanfic dia masukin Nakamaru Yuichi [KATTUN] ples sepeda ontelnya sama Kyohei Takano dari 'Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge' sebagai bodyguardnya.
4. Ruru --> Ni anak amat sangat datar~ si wajah tanpa ekspresi. bener2 klo diapain mukanya gak berubah. pernah ampe dikerjain senpai juga tetep aja tenang. padahal klo gw jd dia mungkin gw udah memaki maki ntu para senpai XD sampe akhirnya pas kita maen pukul-nyamber, dia gak ikutan. trus gw bilang " klo mo mukul, pukul ruru aja, gak bakalan ngomel kok." trus saa ngelanjutin " Ruru kan baik seperti sang Budha" sambil ber-amitaba. kita semua langsung ngakak de XD dia masukin Tamaki-nya 'Ouran' sama Okita Sougo-nya 'gintama'.
5. Echa --> yg terakhir niy~ dan yg paling lemot n gag nyambung. capek gw ngomong ama ni anak XXD apalagi klo nonton pelem horror bareng dia~ gag konsen nonton gara2 ngakak dengerin komen-nya dia yg entah knapa selalu gag nyambung XXD ni anak bener2 ijimerareta hito diantara kita ber-6
dia msukin kujirai sama kaidoh-nya 'Tenipuri'
nah, kita ber-6 itu ceritanya gag punya orangtua n tinggal di panti XD milik oom Hydo XD
gitu deh~
gw sih daijobu2 aja klo ada yg mo menghina gw n temen2 gw ples fic ancur yg kita bikin~
[secara gw juga sering menghina temen2 gw sendiri n fic ancur itu XD]
tapi jangan sampe ngancurin fic yg kita bikin susah payah itu dong~
gw gag tau sih maksudnya lo deketin kita2 akhir2 ini itu untuk apa, semoga aja lo gag punya pikiran buruk.
klo mo gabung, silahkan aja XD
asal lonya sendiri juga bisa tahan di dunia kita yg makin hari malah makin autis XD
gw tau kok lo sellau ngomongin kita di belakang~
gw juga gak masalah sih~
temen gw aja yg rada gak suka klo diomongin~
yah, klo namanya hobi mo diapain coba? masing2 demenannya dong~
gw juga gak pernah menghina demenan lo tuh~
jadi jangan saling menghina dong~
udahan ah~
capek ngetik XXD