Jan 27, 2012 15:50
Today was a relax day for my husband and I. Im still on maternity leave and today is the first of his three set off days. We have just been enjoying jeremiah and each other. Jeremiah is the new love of my life aka my almost 6 week old son, move over husband lol. We gave him his first bath today since his umbilical cord stump finally fell off and his circumcision is completely healed. He started out hating it. He screamed and pouted and flailed his hands in despair it made me sad but we pressed on and then he stopped crying. He actually might like being in his little tub after all and his little hair is so so curly when wet. My husband has been " walking" him down the hall, more like putting jeremiah's little feet on the carpet and bouncing him down the the way it is so funny and cute to watch them together. I love the two best men in my life.
Only a few short weeks maybe even days before I have to return to work and I am beyond dreading it 6 weeks has gone by much too quickly and I cant bear to leave my son for hours at a time but atleast it will be a switch off between my husband and I. while he is at work I will have our son and when he gets off I go in to work and work weekends. Honestly I hope he gets this promotion so I can continue to concentrate solely on school and the baby and not have to work but until then it's off back to work I go. I am trying to enjoy these last few days at home with him. Looking forward to the life ahead with him he truly is the new light in my life.