Fanfic, Billy Cooper, 1-10/Wrestle

Sep 13, 2009 08:43

Title: Charitable Contribution
Author: Spikedluv
Fandom: Numb3rs
Rating: NC17/Slash
Pairing: Charlie/Coop
Length: 3432 words
Spoilers: 1.13 Manhunt.
Summary: After chasing his fugitive across five states before running him down in Boston, Billy needed a beer, or ten, and this had been the nearest bar.
Notes: Pre-series; first-time. If underage sex isn’t your thing, you can imagine that Charlie’s 18 in this fic. I’m presuming that Charlie went to MIT for his PhD after graduating from Princeton. Written for numb3rsflashfic Challenge #95: Charity, and previously posted there. Also written for the n3fanficart100 Table 1-10 Prompt #4: Wrestle; my Billy Cooper Table.

[claim] billy cooper, [r] nc17, [p] charlie/coop, slash, [a] spikedluv, first-time, [f] fanfic

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