fanfic, Colby Granger, 1-10/Gum Balls

Jun 05, 2008 22:43

Wowee, two in one day!

Title: The Purpose of Research
Author: clwilson2006
Character/Pairing: Colby Granger, Charlie Eppes
Rating/Genre: PG-13/Gen
Claim: Colby Granger
Table: 1-10
Prompt: #9 Gum Balls
Summary: Colby swings by Charlie's office with an ulterior motive.
Notes/Warnings: Post season four.

Colby paused by the door, wondering if he would be at all welcome on the other side. Still he was here for a reason. He knocked and waited, there was no reply so he tried the handle finding it unlocked. He went in looking the the owner of the room.
Charlie had his headphones on and was facing a chalkboard filled with expressions and diagrams, he had one arm in the air the chalk poised ready, but his body was wiggling to whatever was playing on his iPod.
Colby smiled, it had only been a few weeks and he couldn't believe how pleased he was to see Charlie again. Though he'd probably be the last person to admit he missed the professor since he had stopped consulting for the FBI. Colby crossed the room and tapped Charlie on the shoulder making the professor jump and drop his chalk.
“Sorry.” Colby smiled at Charlie and the relief on his face that it was someone he knew. “I did knock, but I guess you didn't hear me.”
Charlie pulled the earphones off.
“I guess you didn't hear me apologize either.” Colby laughed.
“Sorry, it's just I have quite a lot of extra time to work on Cognitive Emergence.” Charlie waved his hand at the chalk board. Then seeming to notice the chalk was missing he bent to the floor and scooped it up.
They looked at each other for a few moments.
“So what brings you to my office?” Charlie asked. “because I can't help with anything for the FBI, even if we don't tell anyone.”
Colby flushed, he'd suggested that this morning to David and had not realized Don was behind him listening. Incurring the wrath of Don first thing in the morning was not a good way to start the day.
Colby wouldn't meet Charlie's eyes, in fact he was starting to look a little nervous. Charlie had never seen Colby like this. He reached out to the agent placing his hand on Colby's arm.
“Colby, what's wrong?” Charlie asked “I'll help in any way I can, you know that, right?”
Colby was suddenly struck by how stupid he was being. He was a FBI agent for Pete's sake, and here he was fumbling around Charlie's office like a fifteen year old on his first date.
He cleared his throat.
“I came to get a gum ball.” He still didn't look Charlie in the eye.
Charlie's hand dropped back to his side.
“A gum ball. I always take one from the jar and you always write down which one. I try to get a different color each time, but I still can't work out why you want to know, and I didn't want your research to be skewed because I stopped visiting your office.” Colby finished his speech, finally looking Charlie in the face.
Colby was vaguely distressed to notice how disappointed Charlie looked.
“Fine. They're over there.” Charlie pointed.
Colby stood by the bowl of never diminishing gum balls. Something was wrong here and he had to fix it. He reached into the bowl a took a red gum ball.
When he turned round Charlie had gone back to scribbling on the chalk board. Colby considered for a minute then returned to stand behind the professor. 
He leaned towards Charlie and practically right in his ear whispered “I missed you too.”

[r] pg13, [claim] colby granger, gen, [a] clwilson2006, [c] charlie, [c] colby, [f] fanfic

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