Just a note to let you all know that voting for Round Five of the
numb3rs_awards is open until Friday April 16th! That's THIS Friday. If you haven't voted, let your voice be heard!
Some notes about voting:
~You do not have to vote for every format, nor do you have to vote in each category.
~You may vote for yourself.
~You may only vote once per category. (If you violate this rule your votes (yes, all of them) may be discounted and, at the discretion of the Numb3rs Awards Committee, your own nomination(s) may be disqualified.)
~Three- and more-way ties will be subject to a 48 hour run-off vote.
If you have a LiveJournal account, please vote using the polls.
If you do not have a LiveJournal account, please copy and paste the forms provided into a comment and complete it. Comments will be screened.
Links to the categories for voting:
Vote - Gen Fanfic Vote - Het Fanfic Vote - Slash Fanfic Vote - Graphics Vote - Music Videos Vote - Websites, etc If you have any questions or comments, you may post them in a comment
here (comments will be screened) or contact one of the Committee members.