Jun 12, 2008 15:16
Time for my bi-monthly post, since apparentally I NEVER post on here anymore, LoL
Well things are going pretty good so far. As far as everyone knows there was a fiasco in the midst, but I'm not going to worry about that. That situation is among the people it's among, and I don't want any part of it, so there. >_<
Anyways, I'm chillin' over at Ryan's after my job hunting escapade. I'm pleased to report that I have two hits on the job searching. Thanks to Ren and her con buddy, Dustin, I've thrown in my application at Starbucks on N Garland and 190. Spoke with the Store Director, and he said he'd look it over, and if it all goes well, he'll get something set up for me in the next couple of days. YAY!
AND, three doors down from Starbucks, I spoke with the Asst. Store Director, Liz, over and Game Crazy. We spoke a little about job possiblilties, and she told me to fill out an application online. I come back this week, and she was pleased to see me. I just wanted to see the status of my app, so she went to the back to go check. Sadly she couldn't access the online records, so I gave her my name and phone number. She said she really liked my personality and that she really wanted me on board. Here's hoping that something comes up here in the next couple of days.
And today Julie starts her orientation and training at Macy's in the Fine Jewelery Dept. I'm SOOO HAPPY for her, I really am. And to think, in less than a month, it'll be ONE YEAR for the two of us. OH it makes me so happy just thinking about it.
And this weekend I'll be in Tyler chillin' with my grandparents, and for the Texas State Square Dance Convention, the biggest square dancing convention that happens in Texas every year, much like A-Kon....except without the cosplaying and screaming fan girls..... But all that aside, I'll be there with the family on Saturday, and will be back Sunday afternoon for our usual bowling festivities.
Well, that's all from this end of the world. Hope everyone's doing great and happy! Peace ---> ^_^