Jan 02, 2006 18:12
Today was supposed to be the first day of my road trip. However, because somewhere inside, I still care and try to respect my father at least - I am sitting here in the sunroom almost seeing red as I am so angry with my mom. I KNEW that this was going to happen! That's why I was going to leave. But noo...I had to go be good and stuff. It's not like she hasn't been dropping hints about how terrible it is of me to leave early. So..hokay, we have Rachel's day -- it was a pretty nice day. It started around 11:30 (yummy sleep) with my Dad who made me a yummy scrambled eggs plus ham (unfortunately they weren't green but it's okay). I then worked out while watching Dr. 90210 then of course, Law & Order. We were supposed to go out to the movies but that didn't happen. I started reading one of the books I got for Christmas - It's pretty good so far, a type of diary complied from all different women about their daily lives. So, I'm just sitting and reading - minding my own business when I decide to put on Law & Order muted so I can just read the captions and not bother anyone else in the room. So, my mom and one of my brothers (the older) starts riding me about loving Law & Order since you know..it's a soap opera and soo terrible to watch. Whatever...that didn't bother me. The blunt accusation of my lying about how much daytime television I watch during the "school" year and that I should get a better major if I'm sooo bored. WTF!! I only worked my ass off for my grades (and yes I'm going to work harder next semester) but excuse me? I want them to take my classes and do as well. And for the love of bio that everyone seems to see in me, I am a fucking BIOLOGICAL engineer for a freaking reason here people. And furthermore, I just hate how my mom is soo sexist sometimes. It's like excuse me...yes, I love certain kinds of attention and I know that..but I don't need it to justify or complete my life. And forgive me for having friends....fucking a, lady. It just drives me up the wall that she's all like "I know how to run your life better so just shut the hell up and let me show you how much in denial you are because obviously you are fucking retarded and can't run your own life since you aren't at the top of your class or a playboy model". It's like I can never ever be good enough for her and that is never going to change. And she's hurt that I want to leave early? She's fucking lucky I came home! .... *sigh*.... That felt good. Thanks everyone. I'm going to go eat dinner and run away from home. I'll talk to you all later.